Why dream of a quarrel
Sometimes in a dream we experience not the most pleasant emotions. Why dream of a quarrel? Does it warn of what will happen, or, conversely, does it mean that in reality we will avoid this? We understand what such a dream says

Few people will be happy to see a quarrel in a dream. Such a dream can be disturbing. It is very important to remember who the quarrel was with: with a loved one or a stranger. In addition, different dream books often offer conflicting meanings.

Quarrel in Vanga’s dream book

The meaning of sleep depends on who the quarrel is with. A quarrel with a former passion – for money, with a person with whom you live together – for problems, with a stranger – for illness.

Quarrel in Freud’s dream book

A quarrel, according to this dream book, often means dissatisfaction with personal life. For a man, arguing in a dream with his chosen one is a warning: you should be wary of enemies. A pregnant woman dreams of a quarrel for the birth of a healthy child.

Swearing with parents – to trouble through the fault of friends, with the older generation of the family – for vacation, with the boss – for a nervous breakdown, with strangers – for extravagance and subsequent problems with money.

Quarrel in Miller’s dream book

To see a quarrel in a dream is a harbinger of misfortunes and squabbles in reality. This promises trouble for girls, discord in the family, and even divorce for married women. Other people’s quarrels are a sign of problems at work.

Quarrel in Miss Hasse’s dream book

According to this dream book, the interpretation of such a dream is quite pleasant: a quarrel in a dream promises a romantic acquaintance.

Quarrel in the dream book of Nostradamus

A quarrel in a dream portends a long separation from friends. Men may also be promised a promotion at work. Reconciliation after a major quarrel is, on the contrary, a bad sign that speaks of a break in relations with a loved one because of money.

Quarrel in the dream book of the XXI century

According to this dream book, a quarrel with someone in a dream portends good friendships. A quarrel between a man and a woman in reality promises love.

Quarrel in Tsvetkov’s dream book

Such a dream indicates upcoming problems at work. Swearing in a dream with a friend – to loss, with relatives – to the successful completion of the case, with a stranger – to a new occupation. A quarrel with a fight – to move. For a man, a quarrel with a former passion promises a joyful event, with a chosen one – replenishment in the family.

Quarrel in the French dream book

A quarrel in a dream portends a period of failure. A quarrel with a fight and bloodshed – to the illness of a relative.

Quarrel in Kananit’s dream book

Most often, such a dream promises financial losses.

A quarrel with one person – to court losses, with a couple – to a new reliable friend, with a group of people – to popularity with the opposite sex.

Quarrel in Meneghetti’s dream book

A quarrel in a dream promises a trip or a business trip.

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Quarrel in the Esoteric dream book

It is also important to pay attention to the weather. For example, quarreling in the rain is a nuisance at work.

Quarrel in the Family Dream Book

If in a dream you quarrel with someone, do not worry. Such a dream is a sign that in reality you will get closer even more.

Quarrel in the Chinese dream book

According to the Chinese dream book, a quarrel in a dream promises loneliness due to self-doubt.

Quarrel in Longo’s dream book

A quarrel with neighbors portends a boring event, with colleagues – for a successful investment of money, with friends – for good luck in your personal life.

Quarrel in the Winter Dream Book

This dream book recommends paying attention to the time of day: a quarrel in the morning promises the appearance of an influential patron, in the afternoon – the restoration of professional reputation, in the evening – a low-paid job, at night – an unpleasant surprise from a former lover.

Quarrel in the Autumn Dream Book

The place of action is also important: if a quarrel in a dream occurs in the house, it speaks of fear of the future, at work – to praise from the leader, in the car – to an unexpected meeting, at a wedding – to a new love.

Expert Commentary

Kristina Duplinskaya, tarot reader (@storyteller.tarot):

Most often, a quarrel dreams of the fact that in life you and the person with whom you swore in a dream, on the contrary, get even closer.

If you quarrel with one of the relatives, then you will see each other soon, and if there was a discord, make peace.

If with a friend, his devotion will only increase. A quarrel in a dream with a stranger – to love. But with his beloved, alas, to treason.

If you only see a quarrel, but do not participate in it, this is a professional turmoil, up to disappointment in your business or place of work, depending on how strong the quarrel was in a dream.

Men swear – to jealousy, women – to evil gossip about you, children – to fun, husband and wife – to good news.

If you hear, but do not see how they quarrel, this is also news. On the contrary, you see, but do not hear – you need to be careful, because of someone else’s mistake you can suffer.

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