When does constipation appear in a newborn?
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It is worth knowing that mother’s milk and formula have different effects on the body of our child. Interestingly, newborns who are breastfed have much less constipation problems. This is because breast milk is easier for the baby to digest. In addition, there are different types of bacteria in the large intestine of breastfed babies, thanks to which the body is able to cope with the breakdown of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. As a result, the stools are softer and therefore easier to defecate.

Interestingly, breast milk contains a hormone (motilin), which accelerates the baby’s metabolism. It is worth remembering, however, that although constipation is rare in a breastfed newborn, it may appear. Parents can recognize a constipation problem by observing their character. In younger infants, the disease may be observed when small, hard stools or large and hard stools appear. Importantly, infants pass stools with considerable effort is not a signal that the child is struggling with constipation. It is worth remembering that for a month or two after birth, infants fed only with their mother’s milk rarely struggle with this ailment. However, the older the child is, the lower the frequency of bowel movements becomes. Parents need not worry if the stool is watery or soft. Interestingly, if your infant is constipated by breast milk, this may suggest that the infant is not consuming enough food. When a newborn has delayed meconium excretion and also has problems passing stools, he may struggle with Hirschsprung’s disease.

How To Treat Constipation?

If we find that a baby who is breastfed has problems with bowel movements, we can help him by giving him a massage. Massaging should be started from the navel, making circular movements in the same direction as the clock hands. However, it is worth observing the child’s reactions. If the toddler reacts negatively to the massage, it should be discontinued. Another way is with a classic bicycle. Parents can move a newborn’s legs the way we move them while cycling. The child should lie on his back while performing the exercise. Thanks to this method, the muscles of the stomach are set in motion, and hence – lightly pressing on the intestines. Another way is to prepare a warm bath that has a relaxing effect on your baby. Additionally, during the bath, you can gently massage the newborn’s tummy. Parents should be aware that no object should be put into the anus of a child to stimulate the little one’s body to have a bowel movement. Such action may have unpleasant consequences in the form of irritation of the inside of the anus. If we want to help a child who has problems with constipation, it is worth taking care of his hydration. The newborn can be given boiled and cooled water. If the defecation problems persist despite attempts to correct them, see a doctor with your child.

Consult your doctor about all disturbing symptoms. If you do not have the option of a stationary visit, use the online consultation. Register and you will receive an advice and e-prescription without leaving your home.

Formula-fed newborns and problems with constipation

Formula-fed babies are more likely to struggle with constipation. It is very often the result of improper preparation of milk. In babies under 6 months of age who are fed formula milk, problems with constipation may be noticed if the baby is restless during a bowel movement, and cries for a long time. Additional symptoms of this ailment may be a lack of appetite and the appearance of the baby’s tummy – it is swollen and hard. Remember to heat the liquid with a special heater, which also has a sterilization function, when feeding with modified milk.

If your baby suffers from constipation, we can use the Pear for Constipation for Children, which you can buy in various sizes at Medonet Market.

How to treat constipation in formula-fed babies?

If we observe that our child has problems with defecation, we should first check whether we are preparing formula milk correctly. It is also possible that the given milk does not serve our baby, so after consulting a doctor, we should start using a different mixture. As with a breastfed baby, we should not put any object, not even a finger, into the baby’s anus. This can irritate the rectum or cause the baby to get used to this kind of ‘help’. Then the baby will have even more problems with defecation on its own. To help your child, you can give him lactulose in syrup. The product is available for purchase at a pharmacy. Lactulose is nothing more than a synthetic sugar that breaks down in our colon into intestinal bacteria, which causes the fecal mass to relax. If constipation persists, it is worth visiting a doctor with your child to find out the causes of the problem and fight it.

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