What to do if the child writes slowly and with errors

A modern student differs from his peers 15-20 years ago: children of the XNUMXst century easily master gadgets, but writing skills and simple spelling rules are difficult for them. It is important to recognize such difficulties as early as possible. How to do this, says speech therapist Elena Vavinova.

Learning a new skill, including writing, is a slow process. How to understand that the student has encountered problems along the way, and not just learning “at his own pace”?

First: the child writes very slowly, does not have time to complete tasks in the classroom, and the pressure, height and slope of the letters are constantly changing.

Second: the student confuses and changes in the words the letters denoting the sounds “b” and “p”, “d” and “t”, “k” and “g”, “s” and “z”, “f” and “c ”, as well as “l”, “n” and “d”, replaces handwritten letters with printed ones, writes letters in a word separately, “mirrors” “e”, “z” and “e”, confuses “w” and “u” , “y” and “and”, does not respect margins.

Third: the child writes as he hears (phonemic writing), makes “stupid” mistakes (misses vowels in stressed positions, does not follow the capital letter, even knowing the rule).

To help the student, parents can organize classes at home in a playful way that form basic writing skills.

Game “Alphabet”

Purpose: fixing the image of the letter.

Instructions: arrange the letters in the cells of the square so that they do not repeat in rows and columns.

Game “Find the letter”

Purpose: fixing the image of the letter, the development of visual attention and memory.

Instructions: underline all the letters “u”, cross out all the letters “sh”.

w w w w w m b w w w w w g w w w w w s

o u s s s s s s

u u s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s

w w x h n s s ch s s s s s s s h s s s

Game “Find words”

Purpose: strengthening the image of the word, expanding and clarifying the vocabulary. The game contributes to the involuntary memorization of how words are spelled.

Instructions: Guess what words are hidden here. Highlight them. Say the words you don’t understand.





Game “Collect an offer”

Purpose: consolidation of the image of the word and sentence, as well as spelling *.

Instructions: the words in the sentence were scattered and confused. Put them in order. Find spellings.

on, sitting, branch, crow (“a crow sits on a branch”)

in, mice, burrow, live

Masha, school, in, runs

pencils, with, fell, tables

dog, barks, cat, on

In the course of performing such exercises, children develop voluntary attention and control, fine motor skills of the hands, and reading skills are formed, which positively affects the mechanisms of speech and behavior in general.

About expert

Elena Vavinova – teacher-speech therapist of the City Psychological and Pedagogical Center.

* Spelling – the correct spelling of words, based on the rules or established traditions and chosen from several options.

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