What to do if a kitten is poisoned at home

While exploring the world around them, kittens can taste home plants, household chemicals, and medicines. Toxic substances quickly spread throughout the body due to the low weight of the animal. A very small dose of poison is enough to poison the kitten. It is necessary to immediately help the pet, sometimes in such situations, the count goes for minutes.

If the kitten is poisoned, you need to take action as soon as possible.

With a slight poisoning, the body will try to protect itself with diarrhea and vomiting in order to quickly remove toxins. But symptoms such as convulsions, heavy breathing, and sudden blindness may also appear.

If the animal does not feel well, you need to urgently contact the veterinarian, but before that, take the following steps:

  • Induce vomiting. To do this, give the kitten half a teaspoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide; if this does not work, repeat the procedure twice in ten minutes. Vomiting is also provoked by a solution of edible salt at the rate of a teaspoon of salt per 100 ml of liquid and a weak solution of potassium permanganate. You need to pour 15-20 ml into the kitten. Another way is to put a very small amount of baking soda on your tongue. It is convenient to pour liquid into the kitten if he refuses to drink with a syringe without a needle.
  • Give a remedy that will slow down the absorption of the poison. This is egg white diluted in half with water. From medicines, you can use activated carbon and other adsorbents – drugs that absorb toxins. They are given in the smallest dosage.
  • Give an enema of 20 ml of saline to cleanse the intestines.

An important nuance: you cannot induce vomiting in case of poisoning with oil products, as well as if the animal is unconscious.

After the acute attack is removed, treatment should be continued.

  • To improve kidney function, give a diuretic to drink. This is a herbal remedy, so it won’t harm you.
  • Due to vomiting and diarrhea, the body loses a lot of fluid. To prevent dehydration, solder the animal with saline.
  • A weak glucose solution will help you gain strength as soon as possible.
  • You also need to ask the veterinarian to prescribe medications that support the liver, as it suffers when the poison enters the body in the first place.

In the first two to three days after poisoning, you need to follow a diet and give the kitten only liquid food.

Now you know what to do at home if the kitten is poisoned. The purpose of first aid to an animal is to stop or slow down the absorption of toxins into the body as much as possible, but after emergency measures it is worth showing the pet to a doctor as soon as possible.

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