What to cook from proteins

The leftover proteins are easy to find use, especially for athletes. But people who are not burdened with excessive exercise will not be harmed by protein meals. Where can you use this beneficial ingredient?


For 3 proteins, take a tablespoon of milk, a bunch of herbs, a teaspoon of vegetable oil, salt and black pepper to taste. Whip the whites with milk, salt and pepper. Wash the greens, dry them and chop finely. Add to the proteins and mix gently. Pour the mixture over hot oil in a skillet and fry for 2 minutes, turn over and cook until tender.



The protein batter turns out to be very tender and goes well with poultry and fish. Beat the egg whites with salt, add a little flour (4 tablespoons for 2 proteins) and a little water to get a pancake-like consistency.


Squirrels whipped with sugar are a good decoration for desserts. For each protein, it is necessary to take at least 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar, beat the mass gradually adding sugar to the whipped to protein peaks, with a dry whisk in a dry bowl.

Pastries and desserts

Protein makes great desserts, meringue is one of them. You can make cakes from meringues. You can also use only proteins for making the dough.

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