What should vegetarians eat during the cold season?



A well-known vegetarian product. The cooking options are endless, but puree soup is especially popular in winter. As beans, it is recommended to use red lentils, beans, chickpeas, green beans, peas, soybeans.

Mini-guide on the use of legumes in food:

– Adzuki beans: dishes with rice.

– Anasazi beans: Mexican dishes (crushed).

– Black eye beans: salads, vegetarian cutlets, casseroles, pies.

– Black beans: soups, chili, stews.

– Lentils: soups, salads, side dishes, stews.

– Chickpeas: hummus, soups, casseroles.

– String beans: salads, side dishes, soups. 

Make sure that there is no protein deficiency in the body, otherwise it is fraught with a decrease in immunity resistance and, as a result, colds. Load up on legumes and keep nuts and seeds in reasonable portions. 


Fresh herbs (parsley, dill, lettuce) are usually perceived as a minor addition to the main dishes. In fact, greens satisfy the human need for a wide range of useful elements. In summer, there is plenty of fresh herbs, but in winter, its lack is expressed in weakness and deterioration of the skin. In stores, greens are “cotton” and contain a minimum of vitamins. Frozen greens are just a pale imitation of fresh ones. The best option is to grow it yourself, right in the kitchen. Hydroponics or small trays of soil are quite capable of providing you with fresh plants at any time. 


Great product at any time of the year, but especially in winter. Cabbage is inexpensive, and the amount of vitamins (especially C and K) collected in a vegetable is not inferior to complex vitamins sold in a pharmacy. It also contains fiber, antioxidants, and anti-carcinogenic compounds (glucosinolates). A number of studies have confirmed the ability of cabbage to reduce the risk of cancer and diabetes. In winter, such a “stream” of minerals and vitamins will be an excellent help to the immune system. Cabbage is best eaten raw. 

winter squash

The yet enigmatic vegetable (technically a fruit) comes from the Americas, where it is considered one of the healthiest plants to eat. It is often confused with zucchini or pumpkin. Squash is high in vitamins C and A, protein, carbohydrates, fats, fiber, iron, calcium, potassium and more. Regular consumption of squash in autumn and winter is an excellent prevention of respiratory diseases. 


The orange vegetable contains a “titanic dose” of beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body. It strengthens the immune system and promotes eye health. Also, the vegetable carries a supply of vitamin C, cyanide, lutein. 


Simple and beloved by the majority, potatoes contain not only starch, but also a solid supply of useful substances: potassium, magnesium, folic acid, vitamin C. There are also protein in potatoes. The root vegetable helps lower blood pressure and increase antioxidant levels. 


Onions are used to add flavor to dishes. The vegetable is easy to grow and available almost all year round. Onions have a minimum of calories, but a lot of vitamin C and fiber. It also contains many special oils that help lower cholesterol levels. And, of course, since childhood, everyone has known the properties of onions for the prevention of colds. 


The sugar-rich vegetable is a great solution for those who decide to cut down on sweets. In addition to natural sugar, beets contain a high concentration of antioxidants, vitamins A, B, C + potassium and folic acid. Natural strengthening of immunity will not keep you waiting! 


Something similar to a potato, a vegetable is closer in nature to cabbage and broccoli. Turnip has a large supply of elements useful for humans (glucosinolates, vitamins C and K, folic acid, potassium, fiber), which contribute to raising the tone of the body. 


A vegetable very similar to carrots, only white in color. Parsnip is used both separately and as an additive to various dishes. It contains a lot of fiber, potassium, vitamin C, folic acid. With a low calorie content, parsnips are able to provide the body with a large amount of vitamins that are useful in the cold season. 


Italian chicory is a red-white leaves collected in a small head. The leaves have a spicy and bitter taste and are used as an additional ingredient to add flavor to dishes. It has a lot of vitamin C, magnesium, potassium and low calorie content (23 per 100 g). Radicchio has only one drawback – it is a rare guest on Russian shelves. 

Dried fruits and nuts

High energy value and the ability to eat them in any form make dried fruits attractive to everyone. Raisins, dried apricots, dates, prunes, almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, peanuts, walnuts and more. Choose the ones you like best and try not to eat them all at once. 

Fruits and berries 

We are well aware that getting fresh berries and fruits in winter is not an easy task, but we are sure that you took care of harvesting the same berries in advance. When it comes to fruits, look out for tangerines, oranges, grapefruits, and kiwis—all rich in vitamin C, which helps iron absorb and protect the body from infections. 


An extremely useful and nutritious product that helps to warm up in winter and relieve the first signs of a cold. Honey has a huge amount of minerals and vitamins, including iodine, potassium, iron and more. If you are a vegan, then take a look at the alternatives that we are talking about.  

Pure water 

Much has been said about this, but we still repeat: drink only pure water, which promotes digestion and does not cause irritation.

And finally, a few tips for eating in winter: 

– Eat hot food every day. First of all, it should be soups, cereals or stews.

– Drink herbal tea.

– Limit sweets (in winter it is especially difficult to resist). Replace chocolate with honey, dried fruits and fruits.

– Choose foods high in carbohydrates. 

Do not be ill! 

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