Why particularly is useful Chinese cabbage

Cabbage, for the first time as cultivated plants, appeared in China. Known written mention of the Beijing cabbage, Dating back to V – VI centuries of our era. This vegetable plant is trendy in Central and southern China and plays an important role in people’s diet.

This form of Chinese cabbage through Korea and Japan came to the countries of Indochina. In Japan, Chinese and Japanese varieties in the mid-twentieth century were bred high-yielding and early ripening varieties. Until the beginning of 1970-ies the Chinese cabbage was grown in Europe and the USA in limited quantities. In recent years, Chinese cabbage is widely spread, and we love it as well.

Although Chinese cabbage is an ingredient virtually for nothing but salads (albeit with various ingredients), in China, Korea, and Japan, it is used for anything from stuffed cabbage, soups, decorations for the table to hot sauces and casseroles.

8 of the most useful properties of Chinese cabbage

Chinese cabbage, for its beneficial properties superior to other cabbage types, vitamin C in it is 4-5 times more than in lettuce. In possession of almost all the nutrients in it are perfectly preserved.

1. Beijing cabbage contains vitamin C, folic acid, thiamin, and iodine, so the Chinese cabbage saves from beriberi and anemia, strengthening a person’s immune system.

Why particularly is useful Chinese cabbage

2. Vitamins in fresh cabbage quickly enter the esophagus and spread throughout the body. Magnesium, phosphorus, and vitamins for cell regeneration are struggling with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Extra vegetable components: potassium, iron, vitamins E and K helps in repairing damaged cells.

3. The basic properties of Chinese cabbage due to its composition: vitamins and minerals are to speed up metabolism to help organize the gastrointestinal tract’s work.

4. Consumption of Chinese cabbage has a beneficial effect on the heart: the active components of vegetables make the vascular wall more strong and elastic.

5. Regular consumption improves the endocrine system: salads energize, serve as a prevention of cancer.

6. Fresh product reduces hypertension, struggling with headaches, and chronic migraines.

7. Cabbage cleanses the intestines and the blood, cures diseases of the liver and kidneys. The product is used in gout, obesity, and disorders of the nervous system. It helps to produce enzymes that improve metabolic processes.

8. Lactucin, a part of this plant, stabilizes the metabolism and makes the nervous system, which makes a person calmer and adjusts his sleep and digestion. Some scholars even argue that in some cases, you need to eat raw “Beijing regularly. To get rid of stress and headaches,” Everything else, including antidepressants and anti-anxiety pills, often only hinder the healing process.

For more about napa cabbage health benefits and harms – read our big article:

Napa cabbage

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