What is lactose and its intolerance

It is not necessary to have a history of lactose intolerance as a diagnosis: with age, the enzymes of lactase in our body, which is responsible for the breakdown of milk sugar, becomes less and less. If, after consuming dairy products, you feel discomfort from the gastrointestinal tract, pain, bloating, nausea, then lactase deficiency can be suspected.

Why is this happening

Lactose is found only in mammalian milk. It is needed primarily so that calcium and other important microelements are absorbed in the intestines, as well as the continuous process of reproduction of beneficial bacteria. To break down lactose, additional enzymes are needed – lactase, which breaks down lactose, a complex carbohydrate, into simple glucose and galactose.

There is primary lactose intolerance, which is found in newborns – premature babies or due to a hereditary factor. And secondary – when this disorder appears later, after an illness or from an overload of the digestive tract with lactose, as well as after 3 years – the level of lactase in the body begins to decrease naturally.


Symptoms of lactose intolerance

In adults, this is increased gas production, bloating, pain and cramps, vomiting, nausea, and stool disorders. In children, intestinal cramps, bloating, watery stools, frequent regurgitation. Babies may also have poor weight gain and dehydration.

What foods contain lactose

If you, with the help of a specialist, have made sure of your diagnosis of lactose intolerance and firmly decide to quit using it, you need to carefully read the labels. Lactose is not just milk, cottage cheese and yoghurts.

Lactose is added to baked goods, canned food, frozen mixes, sweets, sauces, as it itself improves the structure of the product and affects the taste.

Lactose is often added to medicines, so be sure to warn doctors about your peculiarities and carefully study the composition.

What to do

Lactose intolerance is complete and partial.

With a partial lack of enzymes in the proper amount and discomfort occurs only after consuming whole milk and natural cream. You can drink kefir, eat yogurt, eat cheeses, especially parmesan, cheddar, mozzarella and feta.

With complete intolerance, dairy products are prohibited at all, but you can replace them with lactose-free products.

Lactose-free milk is regular milk in which lactose is separated into glucose and galactose. That is, the process that should take place inside us has already been completed, and the milk is easily digested. Milk is safe and contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals – calcium, protein, potassium, phosphorus, vitamin D, B12, A, B2, B3.

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