What is known about the registered coronavirus vaccine

What is known about the registered coronavirus vaccine

On August 11, a coronavirus vaccine was registered in our country. It was created by the Gamaleya National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology. Let’s figure out what is known about the drug at the moment.

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Infectious Diseases of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education of the Russian National Research Medical University named after Pirogov

Scientific approach

As soon as the World Health Organization declared a pandemic, the development of a drug that can be used as a preventive measure began. The generic vaccine is built on a well-studied platform, and the scientists used lessons learned, including earlier drug developments for the Middle East coronavirus syndrome. There are similarities between him and COVID-19, which caused the pandemic. Therefore, it was possible to quickly register the drug.

However, it should be noted that post-registration studies are still ahead. This is a common process that cannot be dispensed with. The fact is that healthy volunteers aged 18 to 60 years took part in the vaccine trials. But we know that the risk group for coronavirus is people over 60 years old. It is necessary to collect information about how they will react to the administration of the drug. And this can only be done in stages. According to preliminary data, vaccination will begin in January 2021. Now you should be patient and take the necessary measures to protect against infection.

Autumn plans

Do not forget about the seasonal outbreak of influenza and SARS. It is predicted to start earlier. You must get the flu shot even if you got the flu shot last season. It is expected that in the fall we will be dealing with new strains of influenza, so the drugs used in the previous vaccination campaign may not be effective.

There is no need to delay the procedure, waiting for the vaccine of a certain brand to appear. Due to the difficult economic situation, interruptions in the supply of foreign funds are not excluded. If we talk about choosing a vaccine, then 4-component formulations are most effective.

Time to go to the doctor

Mobile stations operate annually during the vaccination campaign. According to statistics, thanks to this vaccination covers 50% of the population. Even if you were not included in this number before, this year you should not ignore the procedure. By keeping yourself safe from seasonal flu, you will also reduce your risk of contracting COVID-19. After all, feeling unwell, patients go to the doctor, and in the hospital, the chances of catching an infection increase.


Despite the fact that the self-isolation regime has been removed, you can not refuse to use a medical mask in public places.

Also observe the following rules:

  • The disposable mask cannot be used repeatedly.

  • It is important to remove it without touching your face with your hands, then throw it away immediately.

  • Leaving the store, you should treat your palms with an antiseptic, and when you return home, wash your hands first.

Also interesting to read “Will there be a second wave of coronavirus in Russia: doctor’s predictions”

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