What is hysteroid accentuation of character and what are its features?

Hello, dear readers of the site! Today we will talk about what constitutes a hysterical character accentuation according to Lichko. After all, it is the brightest among all other types. Let’s look at the main features by which it can be identified.


Hysteroids love attention so much that they are ready to get it at any cost. Even if for this you have to step over yourself, commit illegal acts or destroy relationships with loved ones.

Therefore, the main feature is egocentrism, that is, the inability to accept someone else’s point of view, caring only about one’s own interests and feelings.

They behave defiantly, wanting to become the object of universal recognition and respect. Sometimes even criticism is perceived as a balm for the soul. But at the same time, they are quite touchy if someone dares to offend them, devalue the opportunities and talents that they literally stick out for everyone to see.

Acting skills are on top, they are ready to enter the role being in almost any condition. Even for one viewer.

They usually do not feel sympathy for the people around them, but they can portray him very beautifully and reliably.

Self-esteem is overestimated, which, in principle, is a sign that in fact such a person experiences toxic shame for himself, considering him almost worthless.

But living it is so hard that he is deceived, believing in his exclusivity. In this way, the psyche is protected from strong feelings and psychological trauma, creating an illusory idea of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbits own person.

He loves fashionable, unusual things that naturally catch the eye and make him stand out from the crowd.

He reads a lot, attends exhibitions, the theater, giving the impression of an educated, cultured and intellectually developed person. Which, in principle, is actually.

After all, he communicates mainly with those from whom he can really draw interesting knowledge, gain experience, which in the future can be shown off in public.

He has a well-developed sense of humor, which is not surprising, because the ability to make people laugh helps to become a popular, famous and desirable interlocutor.

You can really listen to a hysteroid, his speech is beautifully delivered. He simply masterfully manages his intonation, avoiding the use of parasitic words and awkward pauses.


What is hysteroid accentuation of character and what are its features?

Adolescence does not go very smoothly. Hysterias bring a lot of trouble and worries to their parents. Because, for example, they can pretend to be sick, just to get a portion of sympathy and care.

Or even intentionally harm themselves if relatives recognize lies and acting. Specially cut the skin, jump from a height, crash into something. And then they revel in the attention that surrounds them in the process of treatment.

They run away from home to make loved ones worry, especially if they have not been particularly supportive of them lately. By such actions, such children seek revenge, because in moments of despair of unsuccessful searches, adults realize how dear they are to them.

They are also prone to alcoholism. Often they try to commit suicide, naturally, defiantly, without fail leaving the opportunity to save themselves.

Girls in puberty may be promiscuous, thinking that the image of a whore will distinguish them from the mass of their peers. They even become the initiators of spreading rumors with juicy details about their person.

Professional activity

Personalities with a hysterical accentuation of character are stubborn and purposeful, which only has a positive effect on their career. After all, they will go to any lengths to realize their plans.

They are usually appreciated by managers, especially in a field where there is high competition. Because such a person will do anything to win it.

He is resourceful, able to make responsible decisions, active and has good organizational skills. Due to his sociability, he has a wide circle of acquaintances, which often help him out.

The only difficulty is that, despite his energy, he quickly fizzles out, especially if for some period of time he does not receive praise and recognition.

That is, work that does not involve communication can bring such a person to exhaustion and even depression.

He is prone to demagogy and arguments, he can make mistakes, sometimes fatal because of his willingness to take unjustified risks.

Given his egocentricity, while occupying leadership positions, he does not take into account the opinions of his subordinates, acting on the basis of his ambitions.


  • If your child is a representative of this type of character accentuation, try to give him recognition as often as possible. Show that you are interested in his opinion, personality and are ready to accept him for who he is. This will save your nerves, as in this case, his need for attention will be satisfied. And this means that he will not commit rash and risky actions, because there will be no need for them.
  • When communicating with an hysteroid, avoid situations where flattery is too obvious, you should not give him unreasonable recognition. Lies can offend him, so try to focus on really existing positive qualities and skills.
  • Remain calm during the interaction, especially with a teenager. Otherwise, you will provoke him to impulsive and dangerous actions that he will take in order to achieve your remorse for the injustice and harsh treatment shown.


And that’s all for today, dear readers of the site!

Finally, we would like to recommend that you read the article about an exalted personality. Understanding the features of each type of character accentuation, both according to Lichko and Leonhard, you can establish relationships with absolutely any person. Which will only have a positive effect on your career and personal life.

Take care of yourself and be happy!

The material was prepared by a psychologist, Gestalt therapist, Zhuravina Alina

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