
Justification — an indication that something weighty, serious, confirms a thought or statement. To what there is no justification — most likely, empty. For a believing person, the justification may be a reference to Holy Scripture, for a mystical-minded person — an unexpected event that can be regarded as a «sign from above.» For people who are not accustomed to checking their thinking for logic and rationality, rationalizations are characteristic — inventing plausible justifications.

Scientific substantiation is substantiation by confirming facts (direct substantiation) or substantiation by logic, logical reasoning, where, if not direct, indirect, but still a clear connection is established between the statement and the facts. No matter how convincing reasoning, any assumptions are best tested through experiment, although in practical psychology, apparently, there are no absolutely pure, objective, unbiased experiments. Every experiment is tendentious in one way or another, it proves what its author was inclined to. In your experiments, be careful, treat the results of other people’s experiments vigilantly, critically.

Examples of the lack of justification in practical psychology

From the diary of Anna B.

Reflections: Is it always necessary to follow the planned plan? Perhaps it was possible not to go, or maybe not even necessary, given my sick condition. Now I can’t adequately assess whether it’s good that I went or a useless stubborn desire to follow the plan. On the way back, I began to understand that I was very covered and apparently the temperature had risen. Back and forth got into a traffic jam, which was formed due to accidents. Even on the way towards Nakhimovsky Prospekt, standing in a traffic jam, I began to think that it was «sign«. I overclocked on Monday, overloaded myself with tasks and was very worried that I could not complete them all. Overestimated myself. Life slowed me down so that I would more reasonably assess my strength. That’s probably why I got sick.

Question: is there any reason to think that a traffic jam is a Sign from the Universe? Or is this a common causal error? If the girl’s thinking went in this direction, then why, what are the benefits of such a mistake? — “I am in the center of the Universe, the Universe pays attention to me” (centropupism), “The Universe takes care of me” (the Universe has taken the place of caring parents, a manifestation of childish thinking), there is an opportunity to fuss about this topic with friends or just take your head with chewing gum. Actually, why not talk to your friends about this topic, why only believe in it seriously?

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