What is ABS+Flex training in fitness?

ABS + Flex workouts are an effective fitness technique where part of the session is devoted to strengthening the muscles, and the second part is devoted to developing flexibility. Let’s take a closer look at this type of fitness.

When visiting a fitness club for the first time, a client is faced with hard-to-pronounce workout names. He cannot understand their meaning and choose suitable activities for himself. For example, ABS Flex causes confusion among many visitors. People do not know that this direction involves strength training of muscles and their stretching.

A competent combination of ABS and Flex makes it possible to preserve beauty and health, feel a surge of vivacity and good mood. These classes will help you become self-confident and learn how to quickly restore strength after heavy loads.

ABS and everything related to it

The letters of this abbreviation, translated from English, are deciphered as the abdominal cavity, back and spine. This means that ABS training is aimed at strengthening the muscles of these parts of the body. Work is carried out with deep and superficial muscles.

As a result, the following effects are achieved:

  1. The spine is stabilized.
  2. Posture improves.
  3. The stomach is pulled up. With the right approach and diet, you can even get relief muscle cubes on your stomach.
  4. Reduced waist size. It does this by burning fat during exercise.
  5. Improves blood supply to the abdominal organs. Better blood flow contributes to the prevention of many pathologies.

ABS partially strengthens the muscles of the buttocks and thighs. These workouts also improve well-being and awaken self-confidence.

Important! Fitness ABS does not create stress on the spine. They can be dealt with even by people with problems of the musculoskeletal system (as far as possible).

The workouts are suitable for both men and women. To make them heavier, you can use auxiliary equipment: pancakes, balls, dumbbells and other sports equipment. He will definitely need the representatives of the stronger sex. The only drawback of ABS is that training only strengthens the muscles. And they do it very selectively, affecting only the muscles of the press and back.

What is Flex?

The second half of the classes is devoted to another direction – Flex. The technique is aimed at stretching the muscles of the whole body.

It allows you to achieve the following results:

  1. Improve blood circulation in the joints and increase their mobility.
  2. Add muscle tone.
  3. Achieve body flexibility and good coordination.
  4. Align your posture.

The most interesting thing is that Flex does not work with each muscle group individually. These workouts allow you to use all the muscles of the body at once without much effort.

Attention! The elasticity of the muscles is needed not only for your own pleasure. It allows you to avoid sprains and dislocations during physical exertion. Moreover, flexible muscles protect the bones from fractures and prolong the youthfulness of the joints.

Flex training can also boost self-esteem and teach patience. The main thing is that you do not lose the taste for activities and begin to enjoy them to the fullest.

In conclusion, it should be noted that ABS + Flex training will make the body hardy and resistant to physical labor, injuries, early aging, infections and other adverse effects. The main thing is not to stop exercising because of laziness, fatigue or bad mood.

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