What foods you need to eat to get younger before your eyes

Skin is a reflection of our health and an indicator of any problems with the body. We try to correct all skin imperfections with lotions, creams, masks and serums, but inflammation, redness, early wrinkles – all these “imperfections” come from within. Therefore, you always need to pay attention to your diet. If your diet consists of foods containing antioxidants, healthy fats, water and essential nutrients, our body and skin will also be in excellent condition.

Researchers have even concluded that eating fruits and vegetables is the safest and healthiest way to combat dull complexions and wrinkles. Are you ready to glow? Here are some of the best anti-aging products for your skin’s glow.

1. Red bell pepper

Red bell peppers are the main anti-aging fighter due to their high antioxidant content. It also contains a lot of vitamin C, an important ingredient for collagen production, and powerful carotenoids.


Carotenoids Are plant pigments responsible for the red, yellow and orange colors of fruits and vegetables. They have a variety of anti-inflammatory properties and can help protect skin from sun damage, pollution and environmental toxins.

Chop a bell pepper and dip it in hummus as a snack, or add it to a fresh salad.

2. Blueberries

Blueberries are rich in vitamins A and C, as well as an anti-aging antioxidant anthocyanin – it is he who gives blueberries a deep, beautiful blue color. And it, in turn, will help your skin acquire a beautiful healthy tone.

These berries will also protect the skin from external irritants and impurities by preventing inflammation and collagen loss.

3. Broccoli

Broccoli is a powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-aging agent that is packed with vitamins C and K, a variety of antioxidants, fiber, lutein (an oxygen-containing carotenoid) and calcium. Your body needs vitamin C to produce collagen, which gives your skin its strength and elasticity.

You can eat the broccoli raw as a quick snack, but steam it if you have the time.

4. Spinach

Spinach is high in water and antioxidants that help oxygenate the body. It is also rich in micro and macronutrients such as magnesium and lutein.

This herb is high in vitamin C, which, as we said, boosts collagen production to keep skin firm and smooth. But that is not all. Vitamin A, which is also found in spinach, can promote healthy, shiny hair, while vitamin K helps reduce inflammation in cells.

5. The nuts

Many nuts (especially almonds) are an excellent source of vitamin E, which can help repair skin tissue, retain moisture, and protect against harmful UV rays. Walnuts even contain anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acidswhich can help strengthen the skin cell membranes for a radiant glow.

Add nuts to salads, appetizers, desserts, or just eat them. Separate the husks from the nuts, however, as research shows that 50 percent of the antioxidants are found in them.

6. Avocado

Avocados are high in inflammation-fighting unsaturated fatty acidsthat promote smooth, supple skin. It also contains many essential nutrients that can prevent the negative effects of aging, including vitamins K, C, E and A, B vitamins, and potassium.

7. Grenade grains

From time immemorial, pomegranate has been used as a healing medicinal fruit. With its high content of vitamin C and various powerful antioxidants, pomegranate can protect our cells from the damaging effects of free radicals and reduce inflammation.

Pomegranate also contains compounds called punicalaginswhich can help keep collagen in the skin, slowing down the signs of aging.

Sprinkle pomegranate on spinach and walnut salad for maximum rejuvenating effect!

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