What foods are contradicted to men

All the foods one way or another have an impact on our hormonal system. And there are some that significantly reduce the level of testosterone – the male hormone. Therefore, such foods for men are not desirable not to become more feminine.

Testosterone is responsible for male characteristics appearance – facial hair, low voice, promotes muscle growth, supports sexual attraction.

The female hormone estrogen on the contrary adds femininity, and its contents men are dangerous. It is able not only to affect the appearance of men but to provoke cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and stroke. So, foods that lower testosterone:


Seafood are often contaminated with pesticides that disrupt the endocrine system. Men’s pesticides provoke the appearance of fat in the chest, making her look like a female.

What foods are contradicted to men


Beets – a very useful product, and with the proper operation of the male hormonal system of the threat the body is not. But the benefits of beets to maintain the level of estrogen in the body can badly affect men who have any problems with hormones. Ol low level of testosterone in the use of a large amount of beets estrogen levels may increase.

Canned food

Canned foods contain large amounts of bisphenol A. Its products, such as beans, fish, soup cans. Bisphenol mimics the effects of estrogen and has previously been used for treating women with disorders of the hormonal background.

Cold cuts and cheese

These products, which are sold in supermarkets are wrapped in a PVC is a synthetic material that is able to get the products and affect the human hormonal system. However, natural products, fresh-cut and wrapped in special paper of food, such threats are not responsible.


Berries with edible peel also have a high content of pesticides. Strawberry is the most easily absorbed pesticide berry, but also should beware of apples, cherries, cherries and peaches. This does not apply to fruits grown on their own.

Soy products

Soy contains plant estrogens, which in its action similar to female hormones and is able to develop secondary sexual characteristics such as breast enlargement. Poetomu men to eat soy in large quantities is not desirable.

What foods are contradicted to men


The favorite male drink also contributes to the chest. Many alcoholic drinks can help your liver to get rid of excess estrogen. And hops for beer still contain phytoestrogens. In General, the burden of alcohol on the liver can disrupt hormonal balance, over time, the androgens are converted to estrogen – the female hormone.


Flaxseed is a source of omega-3 essential fatty acids, fiber, and protein. But flax also contains lignans, which mimics the action of estrogen and reduces the level of testosterone. The best source of omega-3 for men – fish oil.


Dairy products accumulate a lot of female hormones that suppress male testosterone. And the use of hormones for cows during fertilization and does is a direct threat to men. Goat’s milk in this sense is much safer.

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