Minus 3 kilos in 3 days: how to lose weight with juice

Cleansing and bringing yourself up and in record time, as well as the fortification of the body. Thanks to the easy digestibility of juices, your metabolism will speed up, start the process of weight loss, but due to the low caloric diet to ensure the health of the body will go inner reserves of body fat.

The main rule of the diet is to juice for the freshness of the drink. After all, this juice contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals for your health. Packaged store-bought juices for this diet did not fit – they contain a lot of sugar, which does not contribute to your weight loss.

The second condition – the healthy organs of the gastrointestinal tract, as juices can cause exacerbation of diseases.

In order to protect your teeth from fruit acids, dilute the juice with mineral water to each other and drink juice through a straw.

To store fresh juice in a dark glass container for not more than 8 hours.

Minus 3 kilos in 3 days: how to lose weight with juice

How to prepare for a juice fast

The juice diet is stressful for the body, so before starting this diet, it is advisable to be prepared for 3-4 days.

Restrict protein in your diet – eliminate milk products, meat, and fish.

Add in the diet of more vegetables and fruits as well as fresh herbs.

East, drink more water.

The essence of a juice cleanse

Your task for the next 3 days is to use only fresh juice (2-3 liters) and water. Also allowed to include in the menu, mineral water, herbal teas infusion of rose hips.

The best juice for diet

Of course, a juice cleanse is desirable to use seasonal ingredients that do not contain nitrates. Winter apples, carrots, beet, and pomegranate, citrus. In the summer be sure to add in the juice of berries and greens.

The best thing to do with juice pulp to the amount of fiber that is provided in the body, it was a maximum – it will give a greater feeling of satiety.

On the first day eliminate citrus and acidic foods, not to provoke heartburn or problems with the digestive tract.

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