What does sugar in my urine show?

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For what reasons can there be sugar in the urine? Does it mean serious diseases? What diseases is its presence associated with? What tests are worth doing additionally? The question is answered by the drug. Paweł Żmuda-Trzebiatowski.

  1. When testing your urine, the lab technician can detect that glucose is present
  2. Such a symptom means that something is going on in the body and it is necessary to contact a specialist
  3. Bow. Paweł Żmuda-Trzebiatowski explains what could be behind such a research result
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Why is there sugar in the urine?

Hello, I am a woman, I am 29 years old and I would like to know what it shows sugar in the urine? Recently I got my test results and I lost sugar in my urine. Of course, I will make an appointment to see the doctor, but I would like to know in advance what it may be related to sugar in the urine. Could it be something dangerous to your health? What diseases or conditions is related to sugar in my urine? Could this mean diabetes?

No one in my family had diabetes, and I had never seen sugar in my urine before, so I was very surprised to read the results. I would like to emphasize that I do not take any medications, I do sports regularly – I run. I am not complaining of any pain or weakness. Please let me know what diseases and ailments may be associated with the presence of sugar in the urine, what may be indicated by sugar in the urine and what tests should I do? I haven’t told my husband about the results yet, I haven’t actually told anyone about the results. I hope this is some kind of mistake.

The rest of the article is available under the video.

Your doctor advises what sugar in your urine may mean

Madam, the presence of glucose in the urine in the majority of cases it results from diabetes. High blood glucoseexceeding the renal threshold causes glucose to be present in the urine. In such a situation, I suggest that you additionally check the glucose concentration in the venous blood and visit your family doctor with the results. Another cause the presence of glucose in the blood is pregnancy. In its course, glucosuria is considered a physiological process that does not require further diagnostics. Glucose in your urine generally occurs in late pregnancy, although it won’t hurt if you get a pregnancy test.

Do you suspect diabetes? You can find the appropriate diagnostic test package at Medonet Market.

In addition to the above-mentioned reasons, damage to the kidneys, in particular damage to the renal tubules, for example in the course of Fanconi syndrome, may also be responsible for the presence of glucose in the urine. Glucosuria (glucosuria) does not require treatment. Treat the underlying disease causing this symptom. It is worth remembering that glucose in the urine can be a breeding ground for bacteria, which increases the risk of developing a urinary tract infection.

As mentioned above, please do a blood glucose test and see your GP. If necessary, your doctor will order further diagnosis for diabetes or kidney disease.

– Lek. Paweł Żmuda-Trzebiatowski

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