What does dirty water dream about?
Water is a good sign, but only if it is clean. The interpretation of dreams about dirty water almost always occurs in the same way – negative

Why dream of dirty water according to Miller’s dream book

Water is a good sign, but only if it is clean. Dirty, it immediately takes on the opposite meaning and promises illness (especially if you drank it, and if you get your feet wet in a puddle, then the treatment will be delayed), troubles, material problems, sadness, losses, despondency will crowd out joy from life.

If muddy water flooded a house or a ship, it is important whether it was descending or arriving. In the first case, you will be exposed to a dangerous influence, in the second, you will resist evil.

Falling into dirty water is associated with torment due to the large number of serious mistakes that you will make.

Wangi’s Dream Interpretation: Interpretation of Dreams about Dirty Water

By itself, water symbolizes change, renewal, resolution of contradictions, development, forgiveness of sins. Therefore, if the water in a dream was dirty, then you will find yourself in a difficult situation, in particular, there will be difficulties in relationships with people. The clairvoyant advises to subdue your anger, be patient and act from a position of kindness. Otherwise, you will stain your own soul with unworthy deeds and unpleasant impressions.

In a dream, there was a flood and muddy streams flood your house? In the near future, a whole stream of news will fall upon you, and one of them will drastically affect your self-esteem and attitude towards people.

If you have drowned in dirty water, then you should take everything that happens for granted. Otherwise, trying to resist the natural course of events, you will undermine your health, thereby shortening your life.

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Islamic dream book: dirty water

Muddy water dreams of disappointment and grief. If you drank bad water (black, muddy, stagnant), then this is a sign of illness, dirty money and various hardships in life. A dirty, restless lake has a similar meaning.

But if you fell into dirty, silty water, but managed to get out, then problems will begin to be solved. For patients, such a dream promises recovery.

Why dream of dirty water according to Freud’s dream book

Freud was more interested in what happens to water, he did not focus on whether it is transparent or cloudy. He considered dirt as a separate image and considered it a sign of various problems in the field of intimate health. But water for a psychoanalyst is one of the main symbols associated with conception, childbirth and sexual pleasure.

If you poured water in a dream, then the desire to meet or even intimacy with someone from the environment speaks to you; drank – worried about the genitourinary system;

In a dream, daffodils try to see their reflection in the water, and those who cannot figure out their own erotic fantasies splash with water.

Water is often dreamed of by women who dream of becoming a mother. In this case, she will jump, enter the water or leave it. If the sleeping woman saved the drowning man, then in him she sees the father of her children. For men, a similar dream indicates a person who is the object of his passion.

Dirty water: Loff’s dream book

Loff divided water into manageable (calm, you can see the coastline, it can be easily forded or by boat) and unmanaged (stormy, muddy, boundless, causing a feeling of anxiety). In the first case, it indicates renewal, positive changes. In the second, they reflect the fact that real life circumstances are out of your control. What worries you in reality? Can you influence the situation? If yes, why don’t you do it? If not, how to minimize the damage to yourself, how to accept what is happening?

Interpretation of dreams about dirty water according to the dream book of Nostradamus

Any dirt is a complex symbol, it is simultaneously associated with wealth, a large number of deeds and events, as well as gossip.

If dirty water flooded the city, then a natural disaster (tsunami, tornado, etc.) would entail not only more restoration costs, but also personnel changes in power.

Children frolicking in troubled waters indicate that cities are exhausting themselves as a form of life, people are increasingly drawn to nature.

Wet your feet in dirty water – to rumors and speculation related to your weaknesses; get wet entirely – to a quarrel with loved ones because of your rash actions.

A good sign if you touched dirty water with your hands and then washed them thoroughly, success and wealth await you.

The well, in which instead of clean water there was turbidity and frogs jumped, portends a serious accident. It will take a long time to eliminate its consequences, and interruptions in drinking water will begin. Nostradamus even mentioned a specific region where this would happen – in France.

Why dream of dirty water: Tsvetkov’s dream book

Dirty water is always associated with problems. The level of their severity depends on what exactly you did in a dream. Drank – health will deteriorate; swam or wade – get very upset (most likely because of work) or be disappointed; drowned – you will encounter obstacles on the way; heard the noise of dirty streams – you will become a victim of slander.

Regardless of the details of the dream, Tsvetkov advises not to start new serious business in the near future. Firstly, it will be extremely difficult to achieve the desired result, it is most reasonable to go with the flow. Secondly, there is a high risk of making new enemies and activating old enemies.

Esoteric dream book: dirty water

Dirty water is usually associated with negative events, exhausting work, unsatisfactory performance. But if you get wet in it from head to toe, then you are waiting for a change for the better.

Interpretation of dreams about dirty water according to Hasse’s dream book

Turbid water indicates obstacles in business. The dirtier it is, the harder it will be for you.

Fall into dirty water? You will be shamed, or you will become the object of gossip.

Specialist commentary

Anna Pogoreltseva, psychologist:

Water in a dream is associated with two things. Or it shows the time, that is, the interval through which something important can happen. Or it symbolizes a certain rebirth – when we bathe in water, we relax, we are cleansed of something. Therefore, if you dream of dirty water, then it indicates unpleasant events associated with loved ones, but they will also affect you. It is good if dirty water in a dream is in an open reservoir in a calm state; bad if with waves.

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