What do I eat to be in a good mood?

 “Too much sugar in the blood, a deficiency in vitamins (B, D), fatty acids and amino acids have consequences on the mind”, begins Laëtitia Willerval, dietician.

Well-being vitamins

Essential to well-being, B vitamins are present in many foods. Green vegetables (cabbage, etc.) are rich in B9. Fish and eggs in B12. The vitamin B6, which plays an important role in the synthesis of certain neurotransmitters (melatonin, serotonin, dopamine), is found in fatty fish and white meat. “The skin of potatoes is also packed with vitamins. That’s why we choose them bio », Advises the specialist.

Meat, fish, green vegetables, fruit, cheese … Vary your diet as much as possible. “You should know that protein (eggs, fish, meat, legumes) contain essential amino acids, such as tryptophan. These help the body to produce the famous neurotransmitters for good mood (serotonin, dopamine, etc.) ”, continues the specialist.

Another ally: the magnesium. Whole grains, lentils and chocolate contain it. “To ‘feed’ the well-being hormones, we also need vitamin D (in egg yolks and oily fish),” says Willerval. Opt for foods that contain whole starches that slow down the absorption of sugar and chase away gloom!

Watch out for sugar! Chocolate bars or sweets create a reactive hypoglycemia which promotes irritability … Avoid sodas, overly sweet fruit juices, candies …


This little fish is rich in omega 3. These good fatty acids help the body to produce serotonin and melatonin. It also contains vitamin D and magnesium. Eat canned or grilled sardines (be careful with overcooking so as not to lose its benefits).


They are full of protein which contain amino acids essential for our well-being. But also vitamins D, B12 and omega 3. Keep the yolk liquid (poached, calf, boiled egg). The nutrients in the egg will thus be better absorbed by the body. Of course, prefer organic eggs

because the hens are fed (among other things) with flax seeds.


Lentils, these super-legumes, are a good source of protein, magnesium and vitamin B9. Soak them for 1 or 2 hours, then rinse them before simmering them with herbs and aromatics. Avoid buying ready-cooked lentils in preparations. These are fatter and therefore heavier to digest.

Almonds and walnuts

The oilseeds have not finished wowing us. They allow you to fill up with magnesium (to regulate stress) and omega 3. In collation, bite them mixed with raisins, for example. And remember to add them to your preparations cakes in powder or crushed.


Most cheese contain tryptophan, but especially those with a hard paste, such as Beaufort. It promotes the production ofwellness hormones. Put it on the tray, let your children discover it and don’t hesitate to make it gratin in slices on your winter dishes.


Vegetables that belong to the cruciferous family will put you in a good mood! Vitamins B9, B6, C and magnesium… These are concentrates of benefits. To preserve their nutrients, steam your broccoli and serve them as a salad with rapeseed or olive vegetable oil.

Le chocolat

Dark, with at least 70% cocoa, it contains magnesium. And magnesium contains tryptophan, the precursor to serotonin. So allow yourself a square of chocolate at the end of meals instead of an overly sweet dessert. For children, it’s back to the old-fashioned snack. A piece of bread

with cereals topped with 2 squares of chocolate, it’s ideal.

“Long live the salads for lunch!”

Pregnant, I have to pay attention to my weight gain, I opt for salads for lunch, if they are greedy! A Caesar salad, adorned with generous pieces of golden chicken… This is enough to pamper my heart and give me energy for the afternoon! “, 


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