Week 39 of pregnancy – 41 WA

39 weeks pregnant: baby side

Baby measures about 50 centimeters from head to toe, weighing 3 grams on average.

His development 

At birth, it is essential that the baby is placed a few moments against his mother, on his belly or on his breast. The senses of the newborn are awakened: he hears and sees a little, but above all he has a very developed sense of smell which allows him to recognize his mother among several people. It is thanks to this sense of smell that he will instinctively move towards the breast if given the time (in general, during the two hours which follow his birth). He also has a well-developed touch because, in our belly, he constantly felt the uterine wall against him. Now that he is in the open air, it is important for him to feel “contained”, in our arms for example, or in a bassinet.

39 weeks pregnant: mother’s side

If the delivery does not take place this week, there is a risk of being “overdue”. The placenta may then no longer be sufficient to feed our baby. Close monitoring is therefore put in place, with regular monitoring sessions to ensure the well-being of the baby. The medical team may also choose to induce labor. The midwife or doctor will probably suggest an amnioscopy. This act consists in observing by transparency, at the level of the neck, the water bag, and checking that the amniotic fluid is clear. At this term, if the baby moves less, it is better to consult.


Le back home prepares. We ask the maternity ward for a list of liberal midwives that we can contact once at home, after the arrival of our baby. In the days following our return, we may need advice, support, and sometimes even a competent person to whom we can ask all our questions (about your blood loss, possible c-section scars or episiotomy…).

Little memo

In the maternity ward, we try to rest as much as possible, that’s important. We have to regain some energy before going on with family visits. If necessary, we do not hesitate to postpone them.

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