Week 32 of pregnancy – 34 WA

Baby’s 32st week of pregnancy

Our baby measures 32 centimeters from head to tailbone, and weighs 2 grams on average.

His development 

The baby’s head is covered with hair. The rest of his body is also sometimes hairy, especially at the shoulders. Lanugo, this fine down that appeared during pregnancy, is gradually falling off. The baby covers himself with vernix, a fatty substance that protects his skin and will allow him to slide more easily into the genital tract during childbirth. If it is born now, it is no longer too worrying, the baby has passed, or almost, the threshold of prematurity (officially set at 36 weeks).

The 32st week of pregnancy on our side

Our body is attacking the home stretch. Our blood volume, which has increased by 50%, stabilizes and will not move until delivery. The physiological anemia that appeared around the sixth month is being balanced. Finally, the placenta also matures. If we are Rh negative and our baby is Rh positive, we may receive a new injection of anti-D gamma globulin so that our body does not make “anti-Rhesus” antibodies, which could be harmful to the baby. . This is called Rhesus incompatibility.

Our advice  

We continue to walk regularly. The more you are in good physical condition, the faster you recover after childbirth. It’s also said that being in top form makes childbirth itself easier.

Our memo 

At the end of this week, we are on maternity leave. Pregnant employed women are compensated for 16 weeks for a first child. Most of the time, the breakdown is 6 weeks before birth and 10 weeks after. It is possible to adjust your maternity leave. With the favorable opinion of our doctor or midwife, we can postpone part of our prenatal leave (maximum 3 weeks). In practice, it can be taken 3 weeks before childbirth and 13 weeks after.

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