Week 18 of pregnancy – 20 WA

Baby-side pregnancy week 18

Our baby measures approximately 20 centimeters from head to tailbone, and weighs approximately 300 grams.

Baby’s development during the 18th week of pregnancy

At this stage, the fetus is harmoniously proportioned, although still very small. His skin thickens thanks to the protection of the vernix caseosa (whitish and oily substance) which covers it. In the brain, the sensory areas are in full development: taste, hearing, smell, sight, touch. The fetus distinguishes the four basic flavors: sweet, salty, bitter and sour. According to some studies, he would have a predilection for sweet (amniotic fluid is). It is also possible that he perceives certain sounds (Come on, we sing him a song that we sang to us as a child). Otherwise, her fingernails start to form and her fingerprints are visible.

Week 18 of pregnancy on the mother-to-be side

It is the beginning of the fifth month. Here we are at the halfway point! Our uterus is already reaching our navel. Moreover, there is even the risk of gradually pushing it outwards. As placed, the uterus, as it grows, can only further compress our lungs, and we will often start to feel short of breath.

Little tips

To prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the stomach, opt for a gentle exfoliation once a week, and daily massage the sensitive areas (stomach, thighs, hips and breasts) with a specific cream or oil. As for the pounds of pregnancy, we regularly monitor its weight gain.

Examinations during week 18 of pregnancy

The second ultrasound, called morphological ultrasound, is coming very soon. It should be performed between 21 and 24 weeks of amenorrhea. If it’s not already done, we’ll make an appointment. During this ultrasound, you can see her whole baby, which is no longer the case during the third trimester ultrasound when he is much too big. Important fact: we will have the opportunity, if we wish, to know the sex. So we ask ourselves the questions right now: do we want to know him?

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