Week 14 of pregnancy – 16 WA

The 14th week of pregnancy: baby side

Our baby measures about 12 centimeters from head to tailbone, and weighs about 140 grams.

Baby’s development during week 14 of pregnancy

His head has really risen and his face is very clearly that of a little human, especially since now facial muscles contract and cause facial expressions. Thus, the fetus can frown and can even open its mouth. He also wiggles his little fingers and can clench his fists. If it is a girl, millions of eggs are budding in her ovaries (these are the follicles). In boys, the glans and the foreskin are formed.

The 14th week of pregnancy: on our side

It is the beginning of the fourth month. Most of the symptoms of pregnancy (fatigue, nausea, dizziness, etc.) have disappeared. Pregnancy continues: the uterus continues to push upward and expand. Our skin is changing. It has become more flexible and, now, it is pigmented in certain areas, in particular the areola of the breasts and moles. Sometimes a brown line appears between our navel and our pubis. Don’t worry, it will disappear after the birth of our baby.

We avoid exposing ourselves to the sun. Its rays may intensify the various brown marks that appear on the skin during pregnancy. We might even see a brown mask appear on our face, called pregnancy mask or “melasma”. If, however, we have an appointment on a sunny terrace, it is strongly recommended to put sunscreen, index 50 minimum, and to renew the applications regularly. We avoid the hottest hours (11 am to 16 pm) and we are wary of clouds that let ultraviolet rays through. It is not because it is cooler that there are less risks.

Examinations of the 14th week of pregnancy

If the trisomy 21 screening result shows a high risk, we will be offered a screening for fetal DNA circulating in maternal blood. This test is safe for the baby. He avoids an amniocentesis (more invasive) and is now reimbursed by Social Security. If again, the risk is still high, we can benefit from an amniocentesis. The next few days are the best time to perform this act, which involves taking a small amount of amniotic fluid through the abdomen. It is practiced without anesthesia. After the amniocentesis, it is imperative for the mother-to-be to rest. As a reminder, this examination is not without risk since it can lead in 0% of cases to a miscarriage (and over 1% as we said before). It has become an extremely rare event.

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