We catch bream in August

Experienced anglers know that bream fishing in August is the most productive, the main thing here is to know and apply some subtleties and secrets. Otherwise, you need to rely on luck and boldly go to the reservoir, preferably with an overnight stay. Trophy specimens can be obtained without problems if you manage to choose the right fishing spot, choose or cook food, and plant a good bait correctly. Next, we will analyze all these aspects together in more detail.

How to choose promising places

A novice angler should, first of all, learn to determine where and at what time the fish, bream in particular, is standing. Some amateurs believe that a sufficient amount of bait will work a miracle, the fish will come in a flock to where they are offered tasty treats. This opinion is erroneous, it is necessary to feed where the inhabitants of the fish are already standing, in order to keep it here. A trifle, of course, will be led to such a trick, but it will not be destined to wait for a decent-sized fish.

Finding a bream camp in August is not so difficult. First of all, it is worth understanding that this fish loves depth; it rarely goes to the shallows. Other features can be described as follows:

  • The search for bream and bream is carried out at considerable depths, holes from 2 meters are their favorite places of deployment.
  • A fast current will not attract this representative of cyprinids; quiet backwaters, bays, turns in the channel with a slow movement of the water flow are acceptable to him.
  • At night, at the end of August, the bream often approaches the coastline; at this time of the day, it is really possible to detect it on an ordinary float. Cloudy weather also affects him, but on sunny days, the cunning inhabitant of the reservoir will definitely go into the water column.
  • A flat sandy bottom is not for bream, a small amount of silt and clay areas will attract it more.
  • In search of food, the bream often enters aquatic vegetation, where it will find a lot of things for itself.

We catch bream in August

Anglers with experience recommend starting the process on an unfamiliar reservoir by studying the bottom topography, this will help to avoid hooks and breakage of gear in the future. This can be done in several ways:

spinning with a jigtapping the bottom will allow you to determine the location of pits and shallows in different parts of the reservoir
marker floatwork in the same way as with a jig
underwater camerahelps to consider in more detail the bottom topography, to see with your own eyes the location of their inhabitants in the water area
divingif you have the necessary skills for this, it will allow the angler to consider everything in more detail and independently

Fans of bream fishing during this period of time know that in August a representative of cyprinids most often goes to the shallows, therefore, it is much more likely to catch it in these places.

It is best to look for promising places from a watercraft, namely from a boat.

Fishing gear in August

August is the last month of summer, during this period fishing on rivers and lakes will be successful, as the temperature of air and water gradually decreases to the indicators beloved by the fish inhabitants. Bream during this period will be actively caught on different types of bait, but fishermen can offer them to a cunning representative of carp fishermen in several ways. Each of them will be successful, it’s just worth applying some tricks. Next, we will consider in more detail all possible types of capture.

float tackle

With this method, bream is caught both from boats and from the coastline, and the success will be approximately the same. However, it is best to use tackle at night and from the shore, the performance can surprise even an experienced hunter.

Tackle is assembled from the following components:

  • the form itself is taken of medium length. 4-5 m will be enough;
  • be sure to put a reel, it is better to be inertialess with a spool of about 1500-2000 size;
  • as a base, they usually take a high-quality monofilament fishing line, its diameter must be at least 0,25 mm, equipment is also possible with a cord, here a thickness of 0,14 mm will be enough;
  • the float is chosen sensitive, but the shape depends on the personal preferences of the fish and the place of fishing;
  • the leash is made from a monk, the discontinuous indicators of which should be inferior to the characteristics of the base by a couple of kilos;
  • the hook is selected according to the type of bait, the size is an important criterion, it should fit in the mouth of a potential trophy without any problems.

It should be understood that the float for fishing on the river is different from the same component of equipment for still water.

The float is perfect for fishing from cliffs, at great depths right next to the coastline.


A gently sloping coast with shallows will not make it possible to catch trophy specimens at close range; for a successful outcome of fishing in such a reservoir, it is better to use a feeder. This type of tackle will attract the attention of a cunning inhabitant of the water area, but for this you first need to collect tackle.

To catch bream in August, the feeder option is collected as follows:

  • the blank is selected according to the fishing conditions, usually these are rods 3,3 m long for small lakes and medium-sized rivers, but it will be convenient to catch large rivers and reservoirs with a 3,9 m long option;
  • the coil should only be of the inertialess type, the size of the spool cannot be less than 3000, but the presence of a baitrunner is a purely personal matter;
  • it is better to use a cord as a basis, a thickness of 0,16 should be enough, but it is better to put 0,18 mm in diameter and thicker if there are individuals over 5 kg in the water area;
  • different feeders are used, watermelons are suitable for standing water, the weight of which can be only 20 g, but for a river it is better to take square metal or a bullet with a load of at least 80 g;
  • leashes must be put on the feeder, a cord is considered the best leash for bream, its breaking load should be inferior to the base by at least a couple of kilos;
  • the hook is selected for bait, however, self-securing options will help everyone.

The bite is watched by the quiver-type or bells are hung, the float for sagging will help to notice the samples of the bream to take the bait.

More details about catching bream with a feeder can be found on our website, a separate article is devoted to this topic.


Bottom gear has been used to catch bream for a long time, but old gear often brings good results both from the coastline and from the boat. The most common among anglers are:

  • donka, collected on the Crocodile;
  • snacks on self-dumping;
  • rubber donkeys;
  • ring.

Gathering gear is not difficult, even a novice angler can handle it. All the subtleties can be found in one of the articles on our website, where all of the above types are described in more detail.

Feeding in August

Probably everyone knows that peaceful fish responds well to cereals, seeds, confectionery production waste. It is taking into account these features that bait mixtures are made both at home and in the factory. In the absence of time, the easiest way is to go to the store and buy an already mixed version, but self-cooked porridge will definitely work better.

Choosing bait in the store

In August, picking up food for bream is not easy, it all depends on the weather conditions and the characteristics of each reservoir. The main preferences of the carp representative at this time are:

  • the presence in the bait of cake of sunflower seeds;
  • the presence of wheat bran and other cereals;
  • must be corn or its derivatives.

But with flavors, the main thing is not to overdo it. During this period, the bream will also respond perfectly to the natural smells of sunflowers; in the absence of a bite, you can add molasses with the aroma of plums, strawberries, fruits, and cinnamon to the feed. The natural aroma of this additive is also attractive to bream.

DIY cooking

Many anglers with experience prepare bait on their own, porridge is cooked according to special recipes and with certain ingredients. The most catchy are:

  • steamed barley;
  • boiled peas;
  • Salapin porridge;
  • wheat

Additionally, odorous vegetable oil or other flavors are added to each of the options.


What the bream pecks at in August cannot be definitely said; during this period, the success of fishing is built precisely on experiments. The cooling water and the zhor of a carp representative will require the fisherman to be fully armed. The bream will respond to:

  • worm;
  • maidservant;
  • a bunch of bloodworms;
  • corn;
  • boiled peas;
  • steamed pearl barley;
  • mastyrka.

For each type of tackle, the bait is used in a special way, experienced anglers know about this. Beginners should find out this point in more detail. Applied gear will require:

  • for float gear, the bait should be single, so it will not scare away the bream;
  • feeder equipment can have a bunch of bloodworms on the hook, a worm sandwich with maggots, canned corn, boiled peas, steamed barley grains, foam plastic, airy dough;
  • donka will require the use of animal baits, worm and maggot will be the best options.

There are many ways to catch bream in August, properly assembled tackle, high-quality baits and baits will make your favorite pastime even more profitable

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