Ways to motivate yourself to train first thing in the morning

Ways to motivate yourself to train first thing in the morning


Leaving your clothes ready and setting short-term goals are some of the best ways to train when you wake up.

Ways to motivate yourself to train first thing in the morning

When we decide that we are going to adopt a fitness routine in our day to day life, it is easier not to put exercise aside. But, of course, that the alarm goes off so that we can start training is something that we do not always get along … although there are some steps to follow if we want to strictly adhere to the schedule of our training, especially when it is in the morning.

First, it would be to leave the sportswear that we are going to wear. In this way we will not be so lazy to wake up and have to look for the shirt, choose the sports shoes … Also, as a second ‘tip’, it would be convenient to be clear why do we get up: if we want to go running, if we are going to follow a board from home, if we will jump rope, etc. You also have to have a clear objective. In general, we exercise in order to feel fit, lose weight, gain strength … That goal we want to achieve has to be clear so that every day we are one step closer.

The good thing about training in the morning

“The best thing about exercising in the morning is that it is the first thing to do in the day, something that leads to not thinking about anything or entertaining. For this, you have to leave everything planned from the day before, such as clothes for exercise or breakfast to return home and eat. A help as soon as you wake up can be to have a coffee and in this way we could have a boost with caffeine and go to exercise “, says Álex García, from Fit Club Madrid.

But if these facilities for exercising in the morning do not convince you, the personal trainer that from the metabolic point of view allows you maintain greater weight control: «Besides, it lets you create a routine, since it is the first thing that would be done in the day and we take advantage of that activation for the rest of the day. And from a muscular point of view it is one of the best times to do stretching exercises.

The same opinion is held by César Bustos, Bachelor of Physical Activity and Sports Sciences and member of the Spanish Society for the Study of Obesity (SEEDO), who adds that exercising in the morning allows activating the body for the rest of the day. But it also clarifies that if it is very difficult for us to train first thing in the morning, we should look for other better options (for example, at noon) because the ideal is to achieve adherence and make sport a habit. Of course, it advises against doing high intensity activities after eight in the afternoon.


  • We will start the business day with less laziness.
  • Greater weight control.
  • This is a good time to stretch and avoid stiffness.
  • We will sleep better at night.
  • Appetite control

Morning exercise type

Regarding the type of exercise recommended for the first hours of the morning, Álex Lamata (@alexlamata), personal trainer, is clear about it: go out for a walk and run It is a very good option: “Going for a walk or a run for 30-35 minutes serves to activate and wake up your body.”

Another option that the expert advises is to carry out a mobility routine at home for about 15-20 minutes to get energy that will last you the rest of the day. “In this routine you can include some stretches and exercises aimed at improving the mobility of your entire body such as the cat and the table, the archer squat or lunge with pectoral opening, among others.” Of course, remember the expert that every day you will have to face the instinct of delay the alarm clock and stay in bed a little longer, but your willpower has to be much greater.

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