Vulvar itching in a little girl

Vulvar itching in young girls is common. Small intimate sores which are very unpleasant. They correspond to an irritation of the vulvar mucosa – we then speak of vulvite. If the itching extends inside the vagina, then the medical term is “non-specific vulvovaginitis“.

Vulvar itching: a frequent reason for consultation in children

« The genital itching are a frequent reason for consultation at this age, notes Dr Jean-Marc Bohbot, infectious disease specialist at the Fournier Institute. Poorly developed and poorly lubricated, the lips do not yet fully fulfill their function: protect the vulvar region. The slightest irritation can lead to vulvitis, in other words a mild but painful inflammation mucous membranes. “And sometimes three times nothing is enough, especially in summer: a bike ride, contact with the sand, prolonged wearing of a wet swimsuit …

What are the symptoms of vulvitis?

The symptoms of vulvite, which cause discomfort in the genital area in a little girl, are as follows: 

  • Itching 
  • Pain when urinating
  • Flows 
  • Sometimes a peculiar smell 

Causes of vulvar irritation in little girls

The causes of genital itching are varied: 

  • First, an anatomical cause, linked to the proximity of the anus and the vulva. Hence the importance of teaching him to dry properly in the toilet. 
  • Wear clothes and underwear made of synthetic material, more irritating to the skin than cotton, or too tight (leggings, panties too small). Or in the summer, keep a wet swimsuit for several hours.
  • Use scented soaps and bath foam.
  • Wash clothing with a detergent irritating to the skin.
  • Having insufficient hygiene, or conversely excessive hygiene.

Treatment: how to relieve an itchy vulva in children?

Most of the time, the problem is purely dermatological. It is then advisable to wash the injured area morning and evening with a surgras soap, or an intimate hygiene product available in pharmacies. We definitely forget the strippers, such as Marseille soap or shower gel. “ Antiseptic baths, such as the application of eosin, may be necessary for severe inflammation. But because they are themselves very drying, they can maintain the phenomenon Says Dr Bohbot. And if it happens again or if the itching persists for more than 48 hours, but also are accompanied by losses, talk to his pediatrician. a contact eczema, which requires appropriate treatment, may be involved. It is less frequent, but it will then be necessary to ensure that there is no infection. If so, the doctor will prescribe local treatment suitable for children, in the form of tiny vaginal capsules, or even, more rarely, oral antibiotics.

The testimony of Elise, mother of Amélie, 4 years old 

« One evening, coming home from school, Amélie, 4, couldn’t stop wriggling. She was very uncomfortable. I asked her if she wanted to go to the bathroom. “No,” she replied. But it stings me near where I pee, ”she told me. In the evening, during the bath, I actually noticed that her vulva was red and irritated.. ” 

Precautions to be taken to avoid itching of the vulva

As you grow older, your daughter will be less and less bothered by these kinds of episodes. But in the meantime, we’ll have to minimize risk factors. Urine is aggressive to the mucous membranes, so encourage her to go to the bathroom regularly. Teach him to take the time to pee properly, completely lowering his pants and spreading his legs well, to prevent urine from flowing and stagnating towards the vulvar region. And wiping from front to back, without leaving a small piece of paper. Be extra vigilant when she has diarrhea: the stools are then particularly acidic, and it is better to follow each trip to the toilet with a small shower. Every day, make him wear cotton panties, washed without fabric softener, with hypoallergenic detergent.  Or even better: with homemade detergent. And make sure her pants aren’t too tight. Finally, show him how to wash alone : without washcloth, with a little suitable liquid soap. Then it will rinse well, before drying itself. 

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