Varieties of pink roses with photos and names

Pink roses look very gentle and airy at their summer cottage. Before buying seeds or seedlings, you need to study the existing variety in order to acquire the most suitable plant.

The best varieties of pink roses

There are several dozen names of pale pink roses. The plant is represented by bush and ground cover varieties, it is quite simple to find the optimally suitable species in all its diversity.

Climbing pink roses

Climbing varieties of shrubs are used to decorate arbors, arches and other structures in a summer cottage. Gardeners especially note several varieties.

Super Excelsa (Super Excelsa)

A spreading shrub capable of reaching 3 m above ground level. It blooms with pink buds with a raspberry tint from June to autumn. Flowers are collected in brushes of 20-30 pieces.

Varieties of pink roses with photos and names

The buds of Super Excelsa are small, up to 5 cm in diameter

Rosarium Uetersen (Rosarium Uetersen)

Tall pink rose blooms with double coral buds. It has been popular since 2000, suitable for growing in the southern regions and the middle lane. It has thick spiny shoots and dense dark green foliage. The flowers are large, double in structure.

Varieties of pink roses with photos and names

Pink rose Rosarium Uetersen reaches 4 m above the ground

hybrid tea pink roses

Fragrant tea-hybrid roses have buds of a characteristic goblet shape. The tips of the petals of such plants are slightly turned outward. Flowers are usually large, densely double.


A variety of white rose with a pink border rises up to 1,2 m above the ground. Brings cup-shaped bicolor buds, bushes spread up to 80 cm in diameter. The rose has a sweetish light aroma, retains its attractiveness throughout the season. Rarely suffers from diseases, but sensitively reacts to violations of agricultural technology.

Varieties of pink roses with photos and names

The advantage of the rose Maxim is the absence of thorns on the shoots

Gloria Dei

The beautiful French rose stretches up to 2 m and spreads 90 cm wide. Disease resistant, although may suffer from black spot. Blooms several times during the summer, produces large pink buds with a yellowish center. It emits a light or rather strong pleasant aroma.

Varieties of pink roses with photos and names

You can grow the Gloria Day variety in Siberia and the Far East


Park pink roses are designed for breeding in recreation areas, they are distinguished by their endurance, they withstand adverse conditions well. They require minimal maintenance, keep their shape for a long time after decorative pruning.

Jacques CartierJacques Cartier

A low park variety reaches only 1 m above the ground, spreads quite widely in diameter. Brings compact pink flowers with a light border, has a strong pleasant aroma. The leaves of the shrub are dark green, hard and leathery. The variety is capable of re-flowering, retains its decorative effect until autumn.

Varieties of pink roses with photos and names

Pink rose Jacques Cartier has been known in culture since 1868

Chloris (Chloris)

A high variety up to 2 m above the ground has almost smooth shoots with a minimum number of thorns. It blooms once in early summer, the buds have a light pink hue, their center is dark. Gradually fade to almost white. The structure of the flowers is terry, the aroma is strong and pleasant.

Varieties of pink roses with photos and names

Rosa Chloris is suitable for growing in regions with winter temperatures down to -37 ° C


Shrubs are pink roses of the bush or semi-climbing type, which cannot be attributed to other groups. Such varieties are distinguished by long flowering, most often they release buds in waves.

Ballerina (Ballerina)

The old Dutch pink rose has been cultivated since 1937. The variety reaches 1,5 m in height, brings light buds with a dark raspberry edge and yellow stamens. It is resistant to fungal diseases. Flowering is long, lasts all summer almost without interruption.

Varieties of pink roses with photos and names

Rosa Ballerina grows to 1,5 in width

Lavender Dream (Lavender Dream)

The popular pink rose stretches up to 1,2 m above the ground. It has curving thorny shoots and dark green leaf plates. The flowers of the variety are semi-double, small, pink or light purple, collected in large brushes up to 40 pieces. The rose emits a pleasant smell during the decorative period, retains its attractiveness until the onset of autumn.

Varieties of pink roses with photos and names

Pink Floriland spreads up to 1,2 m in diameter


Ground cover roses are short in stature, usually rising only 50-70 cm above the ground or creeping along its surface. They have good frost resistance, rarely suffer from fungi and pests.

Pink Floriland (Pink Floriland)

The pink variety was bred only in 2012, but quickly gained popularity among summer residents. It has sprawling shoots up to 60 cm in height, has almost no thorns. During the flowering period, it blooms with terry buds in brushes of 5-10 pieces. It retains an attractive appearance for a long time, finally fades only in the fall.

Attention! Pink Floriland does not fade over time and retains a bright pink color throughout the summer.

Varieties of pink roses with photos and namesVarieties of pink roses with photos and names

Lavender Cover

The Danish variety reaches 75 cm above the ground. Photos of a white-pink rose with a name show that there is a noticeably bright spot in the center of the buds. The variety has numerous straight shoots. It blooms very profusely, the buds change color over time and become light lilac.

Varieties of pink roses with photos and names

Variety Lavender Carpet was bred in 1994


Pink polyanthus roses have almost no thorns. The features of the group include the absence of a bright aroma, as well as the small size of the buds, which are collected in very dense dense inflorescences.

Lovely Fairy

The pink variety blooms throughout the summer and fades towards the end of autumn. It grows on average up to 60 cm, the bushes spread up to 80 cm in diameter. The shoots are densely covered with shiny narrow plates of bright green color. The buds of the variety are small, densely double, of a pink saturated shade, up to 40 pieces in an inflorescence. The variety does not fade in the sun and does not crumble during prolonged rains.

Varieties of pink roses with photos and names

Rose Lovely Fairy exudes a very faint but pleasant fruity aroma.

Pink Fairy

A medium-sized variety up to 90 cm above the ground is covered with small leaves with a glossy sheen. Flowers brings bright pink, the color intensity first increases, but then the petals begin to turn pale from the edges to the center. The plant exudes a faint aroma, forms up to ten buds on one stem. Does not require frequent pruning and regular feeding, can develop in regions with cold winters.

Varieties of pink roses with photos and names

The pink variety Pink Fairy blooms from late June to early autumn.


Floribunda – medium-sized pink roses above 1,5 m above the ground. Usually intended for dense planting of 2-3 bushes per 1 m2, often used in the creation of hedges.

Fortune (Fortuna)

Medium-sized compact pink variety reaches 1,5 m above the ground. From the beginning to the end of summer it gives small salmon-colored buds, collected in brushes of 20 pieces. It tolerates adverse weather well, does not impose strict requirements on the composition of the soil.

Varieties of pink roses with photos and names

Unpretentious rose bushes Fortuna are often grown in parks and squares.

Rosegrafin Marie Henriette

The young pink variety is a compact shrub up to 80 cm tall. The shoots of the plant are branched, densely leafy, 3-5 small flowers appear on each. The buds are pink, have a pleasant smell with apple notes.

Varieties of pink roses with photos and names

Rosegrafin Marie Henriette was bred only in 2013


Miniature roses are most often used for breeding in containers. Sometimes they are also planted as part of the borders along with other perennials.

Dagenhart (Dagenhart)

The shrub rises a maximum of 50 cm above the ground, while it grows up to 1 m in diameter. It has cup-shaped small buds, blooms very abundantly. Prefers to grow on fertile loamy or calcareous soils with moderate moisture.

Varieties of pink roses with photos and names

Rosa Dagenhart tolerates cold snaps down to -23 ° C

Heidi Klum

The German variety is usually used for planting in borders, since the height of rose bushes is a maximum of 50 cm. The shoots of the plant are straight branching, the leaves are dark green with notches. The buds are densely double, pink, sometimes have a light coral or deep lilac color. Over time, a silvery sheen becomes noticeable on the petals.

Attention! Heidi Klum rarely suffers from black spot and powdery mildew.
Varieties of pink roses with photos and names

Heidi Klum blooms from late May to mid-autumn

Large pink roses

Roses are considered large, the buds of which reach 10 cm or more in diameter. Such varieties not only look bright at their summer cottage, but are also well suited for cutting.


A variety of large pink roses was bred in 2016 in Germany. Reaches 1,2 m in height, has flexible shoots without thorns. It is compact and spreads up to a maximum of 50 cm in diameter, therefore it is suitable for growing even in small areas. The buds of the variety are beautiful, pink or lilac, inside the color turns into peach-honey. The flowers give off a strong exotic fragrance.

Varieties of pink roses with photos and names

The diameter of the buds of the pink rose Icefogel is about 12 cm

Arthur Rimbaud

The French variety of pink rose has cupped buds up to 13 cm across. It blooms with light flowers with a salmon shade of petals, it has a strong pleasant aroma. Large buds do not form brushes and are located singly on the stems.

Pink rose bushes spread up to 70 cm wide, retain their decorative effect from June until the first frost. The disadvantages of the variety include a tendency to sinter in the sun. In rainy weather, the petals are often spotted.

Varieties of pink roses with photos and names

Rosa Arthur Rimbaud reaches 1,1 m above the ground

Soft pink rose varieties

Pale pink bushes look very airy and romantic in the garden. It goes well with both bright dark perennials and snow-white flowers.

Anna Pavlova

Light pink rose variety produces large single buds on long strong stems. The flowers are dense, tight, consist of many petals. They have a very delicate shade, when planted in a sunny area, they can appear almost white. In height, the variety reaches 1,2 m, in diameter it grows by 1 m.

Varieties of pink roses with photos and names

Pink variety Anna Pavlova has been popular since 1981


One of the new varieties of the tea-hybrid group stretches up to 60 cm above the ground. It brings very large flowers up to 20 cm in diameter, the petals are delicate and velvety, pink in color with chaotic dark strokes and spots. The buds are most often solitary, but occasionally they can form brushes of 2-3 pieces.

Varieties of pink roses with photos and names

During the decorative period, Imagin exudes a light aroma.

Varieties of dark pink roses

Dark pink roses with a crimson hue enliven the landscape and act as a natural accent. These varieties are usually grown in slightly shaded areas to protect the petals from fading.

Big Purple

The beautiful variety produces large pink buds with intense dark coloration. Shoots are covered with grayish-green leaves. Flowers emit a pleasant scent.

The disadvantages of the variety include poor resistance to fungal diseases and prolonged rains. In addition, flowering is not very plentiful – the buds do not cover the entire plant as a whole, even during the period of maximum decorativeness.

Attention! Hue saturation in the Big Purple variety increases in cool weather.
Varieties of pink roses with photos and names

Big Purple rose bushes reach 1,4 m above the ground


A bright pink rose blooms with double flowers up to 10 cm in diameter. The shape of the buds is goblet. Roses stay on the shoots for a long time and can be cut for several weeks. The variety tolerates frost well, is almost not affected by major fungal diseases. It blooms in waves throughout the summer, the buds appear on the branches very abundantly.

Varieties of pink roses with photos and names

Topaz rose height is about 1m

Varieties of bright pink roses

Bright pink varieties look very unusual at their summer cottage and always attract attention. It is better to plant such bushes in the sun, because in the shade their shade will become less pronounced.

Regis Marcon (Regis Marcon)

The hybrid tea variety produces tight bright pink buds with double petals. It is characterized by a rapid pace of development, has a high resistance to powdery mildew and other ailments. Suitable for growing in the garden and for cutting, does not fade in a vase for a long time. Abundant flowering of the variety continues all summer.

Varieties of pink roses with photos and names

The height of Regis Marcon is usually no more than 1 m.

Zanzibar (Zanzibar)

A low variety up to 80 cm above the ground blooms with bright pink buds. Gradually, the color becomes more delicate, the petals brighten. A variety of pink roses with the smell of citrus fruits is popular in arranging bouquets.

Varieties of pink roses with photos and names

Sansibar blooms continuously throughout the summer

Application in landscape design

Pink roses are ubiquitous in landscape design. With their help, hedges and low borders are created, artistic group compositions are formed. Climbing varieties decorate arches, fences and walls of buildings.

Varieties of pink roses with photos and names

When planted tightly, roses not only decorate the landscape, but also slightly muffle external sounds.

Rose bushes can be combined with many perennials – daffodils and tulips, lupins and lavender. When selecting neighbors, you need to ensure that the requirements of crops for growing conditions coincide as much as possible. Shades are combined to your liking, it is not only recommended to make the flower bed too colorful. The flower garden looks as attractive as possible if all the plants in it are kept in the same range.


Pink roses are very popular and are represented by numerous decorative varieties. There are tall and miniature, light and dark varieties. Before planting bushes on the site, you need to carefully study the existing assortment.

Pink roses in the garden: 19 varieties of different shades of pink, season 2021

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