US Leading Therapist on Vegetarianism

Dr. David Reid, MBBS, RCMP states: “Because I am a Sports Nutrition Therapist and I myself am a vegan and an active person, I have my own personal and professional experience of how nutrition affects the functioning of the body. A carbohydrate, energy-rich vegetarian diet provides the body with exactly the nutrients it actually needs. Choose the best: give up meat and win!”

The internist, member of the Royal Corporation of General Practitioners, Dr. Reid has been a vegan for many years; he has advised several national sports teams, including first division football teams. For several years he worked in the Medical Commission of the British Olympic Association, was the chairman of the Medical Committee of the International Table Tennis Association, sportsman, rugby player. Currently, Dr. Reid continues to lecture and write articles on nutrition and sports medicine for both medical and lay people.

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