Top 9 Fiber-Rich Foods

How to keep your waist and feel full at the same time? Prunes, lettuce and carrots that do not satisfy hunger immediately come to mind? offers 9 foods rich in fiber, which plays an important role in the digestion process, promotes intestinal activity and prevents fat accumulation.

Most people are unaware of the fact that pears have more fiber than prunes. One medium-sized pear contains 5 grams of fiber, while a prune contains only 3 grams! In addition, the pear contains more fructose than glucose (as you know, fructose does not require insulin for its assimilation in the body), so this fruit is useful for dysfunction of the pancreas. Fresh and dried pears, as well as drinks made from them, are included in diets for obesity and diabetes mellitus.

Pistachios contain the least amount of calories and fat compared to other nuts, while 10 g of pistachios “hide” at least a gram of fiber. American scientists have found that in order to increase the elasticity of the arteries and lower cholesterol levels by 8,5%, it is enough to eat 70-80 g of pistachios per day. These nuts can be eaten separately or added to porridge, yogurt, baked goods or sauces – the effect in this case does not depend on the cooking method.

Almost all berries are an excellent source of dietary fiber. One cup of antioxidant-rich raspberries contains 8 grams of fiber and only 60 calories. The indisputable advantage of raspberries is that it easily tolerates conservation, drying and cooking, almost without losing its useful properties. It’s also the only berry that doesn’t need to be washed before eating. The reason is the highest antibacterial activity of the substances that make up it. Mix berries with cereal for a nutritious and very healthy dessert!

One artichoke contains 6 g of carbohydrates and only 50 calories, so this funny-looking vegetable is indispensable for dieting or medical fasting. True, it must be borne in mind that with gastritis with low acidity of gastric juice and with low blood pressure, the artichoke is not worth eating. But artichoke dishes are useful for people suffering from heartburn and digestive problems, since the vegetable contains a significant amount of potassium and sodium salts, which have a strong alkaline effect.

You probably didn’t know this, but one cup of lentil soup contains 16 grams of fiber – 16 times more than a bowl of chicken noodle soup! Lentils are a unique source of iron and zinc, which is why its inclusion in the regular menu increases the efficiency and resistance of the body to various diseases. An amazing property of lentils is that it does not accumulate nitrates, radionuclides and toxic elements, and therefore it is considered an environmentally friendly product.

Edamame is essentially the name given to young soybeans that are harvested before ripening. They can be sold in pods or already peeled. Edamame is also very often served as a snack (and in some way is an alternative to meat) in Japanese restaurants. With 80 grams of unrefined beans, there are 100 calories and only 5 grams of fat, making this a really healthy snack. By the way, edamame became one of the points in Madonna’s rider during her last visit to Moscow.

Popcorn is a complete grain product and a source of high quality carbohydrates, while it is low in calories. So, one serving of popcorn without butter, but seasoned with spices, contains only 33 kilocalories, seasoned with butter or vegetable oil – 133 kilocalories. Popcorn is very satisfying, but does not spoil the appetite, as it is quickly evacuated from the stomach. But its main advantage is that it contains a large amount of fiber – about 4 g per serving.

A plate of cereals, diluted with pieces of fruit, is a great opportunity to “eat” 14 grams of fiber in the morning. For example, a saucer of oatmeal covers a quarter of a person’s daily fiber requirement. In addition, the starch in oats is slowly digested and absorbed, providing a feeling of fullness over time. Therefore, oatmeal for breakfast is recommended for those who are afraid of gaining excess weight.

Coarse bread is a source of fiber, trace elements and vitamins that are not found in bread made from ordinary flour: all these necessary substances are destroyed in the process of grinding grain into premium flour. And the most useful is rye bread. It is low in calories and high in fiber, which can lower blood sugar and cleanse the digestive tract. Rye bread is a component of many therapeutic diets, since 2-3 slices of it a day normalize the stomach.

Fiber is indigestible carbohydrates, meaning they are not digested, but are broken down by bacteria that populate the colon. For a long time, indigestible carbohydrates were considered unnecessary ballast, so the food industry used methods to free food from these “unnecessary” substances.

Now the position has changed in the diametrically opposite direction, because the lack of fiber in the diet leads to an increased risk of developing colon cancer, irritable bowel syndrome, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases and other dangerous diseases.

Fiber helps to normalize stool, eliminate heavy metals and increase the synthesis of B vitamins thanks to intestinal bacteria that feed on fiber. According to WHO recommendations, the rate of fiber intake per day for an adult is 25-35 g. To do this, you need to eat 400 g of fresh fruits and vegetables daily.

Anna Gerasimenko, Andreas Vodas

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