Top 60 best TRX exercises: a selection in sifco + training plan!

TRX is a special suspension trainer for functional training. In the last decade of exercises with the TRX loops have gained popularity all over the world. Lessons with suspended trainers practicing in the fitness rooms, and at home.

We offer you a unique selection of 60 TRX exercises for belly and back, arms and shoulders, thighs and buttocks.

Top 60 exercises with the TRX

Actually the TRX is the name of a particular manufacturer suspension trainer (like Adidas sneakers). But for now the TRX has become a household name, it implies a General name for all workouts with suspension loops. Exercises with the TRX not only to diversify your fitness, but will also help to increase strength and endurance, develop functional training to improve quality of the body.

TRX: all the useful information

Advantages of training with the TRX:

  • You can do with the TRX in the gym and at home (the equipment is very compact and convenient). And even do on the street.
  • The TRX classes are suitable for all skill levels: there are simple exercises for beginners and more challenging for advanced.
  • Exercises with the TRX is effective for strengthening the muscular corset and without harmful effects on the spine.
  • During the exercises with the TRX you can easily adjust the load by changing the angle and range of motion.
  • Exercise with the TRX activates simultaneously all the body as a whole: you will work not only over the target area, but also to include additional muscle groups to maintain balance.

The proposed selection of exercises with the TRX will help you to prepare yourself ready for the training program. If you don’t know where to start, then in the second part of the article you will find 3 ready-made lesson plan with TRX: for beginner, intermediate and advanced levels of training.

Animated pictures accelerate the process of playing exercises. Remember that exercises with the TRX you need to perform carefully and with full control. Do the exercises on quality, not speed. During class try to keep the stomach tight, back straight, shoulders down, buttocks tense.


Exercises with the TRX for upper body

1. Bending of hands on a biceps (Bicep Curl)

2. Straightening hands on the triceps (Tricep extension)

3. TRX pushups (Push up)

4. Pushups for triceps (Tricep press)

If slightly change the angle and position of the hands, the load will change.

5. Push-UPS-spider (Mountain Climber Pushup)

6. Turns with pull-up (TRX Twist)

7. Standing pull (TRX Row)

8. Top pull (High row)

9. Breeding hand-to-hand (Reverse Fly)

10. Thrust into the position of the table (Table Row)

11. Reverse push-UPS (Dips)

12. TRX-pullover (Pullover)

13. Pull-up (Pull up)

14. Tilts with TRX (Good Morning)

15. Unwinding forward (Roll up)

Exercises with TRX for the crust (stomach, back)

1. Static plank Plank (basic)

2. Plank up-down Plank (Up & Down)

3. Lowering the elbows (Ripper)

4. Mountain climber with rotation (Crisscross climber)

5. The knees (knee Tuck)

6. Lifting buttocks (Pike)

Or here such variant:

7. Static plank on elbows (Forearm Plank)

8. Plank Saw Plank (saw)

9. Climber in plank on elbows (Forearm Plank Climber)

10. Side plank (Side Plank)

11. Side plank on elbows (Forearm Side Plank)

12. The rotation of the body in the side plank (Side Plank Reach)

13. The rise of the buttocks in side plank (Side Plank Thrust)

14. Twist to side plank (Side Plank Crunch)

15. The leg curl (Leg Curl)

16. Bike (Bicycle)

17. Turns the body standing (Russian Twist)

Exercises for thighs and buttocks

1. Squat (Squat)

2. Squats with jumping (Plyo Squat)

3. Pistol squat (Pistol squat)

4. Lunge with suspended leg (Suspended Lunge)

5. Lunges (Alternative Lunges)

6. Plyometric lunges (Plyo lunge)

7. Jumping like a frog (TRX Forg)

8. Lunge diagonally (Cross Floating Lunge)

9. Broad jumps to the side (Wide Jump)

10. Lunge with balance (Floating Lunge)

11. Plyometric lunge with balance (Floating Lunge Jump)

12. Sprinter (Sprinter Start)

13. Lunges to the side (Side lunge)

14. Lunge with suspended leg (Suspended Side Lunges)

15. Dead lift (the Deadlift)

16. TRX bridge (Bridge)

17. The rise of the buttocks (Hip Raise)

18. Leg lift in side plank (Adductors)

19. Raising the legs on the back (Suspended aductors)

20. Raising the legs in the strap (Reverse Suspended abductors)

Exercises for upper and lower body

1. Some Burpees (Burpee)

2. Squats with a tap (Touch and Reach)

3. Alpinist (Mountain Climber)

4. Horizontal running (Hamstring Runner)

5. Single leg reverse plank (Reverse Plank Leg Raise)

6. Push-UPS + pull-up knees (Push up + Knee Tuck)

7. Push-UPS + lifting buttocks (Push up + Peak)

8. Walking plank (Walk the Plank)

Thanks for the gifs youtube channels: Shortcircuits with Marsha, Bcntraining, Max’s Best Bootcamp, Alex Porter, Tony Cress.

Strap: how to perform + 45 variants

Ready training plan, TRX

If you want to begin to engage with the TRX on their own and don’t know where to start, offer a ready-made plan of workouts for beginner, intermediate and advanced level. Trainings will take place in several rounds on a circular principle with small breaks between exercises. Such interval principle class will help you burn fat, strengthen muscles and tighten the body.

Top 10 TRX workouts on youtube

You can adjust the plan exercises with TRX in its sole discretion, excluding those exercises that seem unsuitable to you. You can also change the total execution time of exercise, number of laps, duration of exercises and breaks. Do you have comfortable time, but remember that the body needs to feel the load and after a workout, you should feel slight fatigue.

If the exercises are performed on different sides, in the first round, perform the exercise on the right side, in the second round – to the left. If you feel that some exercise gives you discomfort in the joints (e.g., knees, wrists, elbows), exclude it from training programs TRX or replace with a lightweight version of the implementation.


Plan with TRX exercises for beginners

First round:

  • The leg curl (Leg Curl)
  • Static plank on elbows (Forearm Plank)
  • Squat (Squat)
  • Turns the body standing (Russian Twist)
  • The rise of the buttocks in side plank (Side Plank Thrust)

Second round:

  • Horizontal running (Hamstring Runner)
  • Breeding hand-to-hand (Reverse Fly)
  • TRX bridge (Bridge)
  • Side plank (Side Plank)
  • Lunge with suspended leg (Suspended Lunge)

How to perform this exercise with TRX for beginners?

  • Each exercise performed for 30 seconds, break 15 seconds
  • Run each round for 2 rounds
  • Rest between circles 1 min
  • The total duration of one round 3.5 minutes
  • Total workout length: ~17 minutes

Plan with TRX exercises for intermediate level

First round:

  • Plyometric lunge with balance (Floating Lunge Jump)
  • Bending of hands on a biceps (Bicep Curl)
  • Alpinist (Mountain Climber)
  • Raising the legs on the back (Suspended aductors)
  • Plank Saw Plank (saw)

Second round:

  • Squats with jumping (Plyo Squat)
  • Plank up-down Plank (Up & Down)
  • Straightening hands on the triceps (Tricep extension)
  • Bike (Bicycle)
  • Single leg reverse plank (Reverse Plank Leg Raise)

Third round:

  • Lunge diagonally (Cross Floating Lunge)
  • The rotation of the body in the side plank (Side Plank Reach)
  • Standing pull (TRX Row)
  • Squats with a tap (Touch and Reach)
  • The knees (knee Tuck)

How to perform this exercise with TRX for intermediate level?

  • Each exercise performed for 30 seconds, break 15 seconds
  • Run each round for 2 rounds
  • Rest between circles 1 min
  • The total duration of one round ~3.5 minutes
  • Total training duration: ~ 26 min

Plan exercises with TRX to advanced

First round:

  • Push-UPS + pull-up knees (Push up + Knee Tuck)
  • Plyometric lunges (Plyo lunge)
  • Climber in plank on elbows (Forearm Plank Climber)
  • Lunge with suspended leg (Suspended Side Lunges)
  • Twist to side plank (Side Plank Crunch)
  • Lifting buttocks (Pike)
  • Walking plank (Walk the Plank)

Second round:

  • Jumping like a frog (TRX Forg)
  • Pushups for triceps (Tricep press)
  • Raising the legs in the strap (Reverse Suspended abductors)
  • Lowering the elbows (Ripper)
  • Sprinter (Sprinter Start)
  • Pull-up (Pull up)
  • Pistol squat (Pistol squat)

Third round:

  • Some Burpees (Burpee)
  • TRX-pullover (Pullover)
  • Leg lift in side plank (Adductors)
  • Push-UPS + lifting buttocks (Push up + Peak)
  • Broad jumps to the side (Wide Jump)
  • Mountain climber with rotation (Crisscross climber)
  • Reverse push-UPS (Dips)

How to perform this exercise with TRX for advanced?

  • Each exercise performed for 45 seconds, break 15 seconds
  • Run each round for 2 rounds
  • Rest between circles 1 min
  • The total duration of one round ~7 minutes
  • Total workout length: ~ 45 minutes

TRX – convenient, compact and very useful sports equipment, thanks to which you will be able to pull the body and strengthen the muscles of the arms, shoulders, back, abdomen, buttocks and legs. Regular exercises with TRX will not only improve your figure, but also helps you develop coordination, strength, balance and endurance.

See also:

  • Step-up platform: why the need for + 20 exercises
  • Fitness band: what it is, why the need for + 40 exercises
  • Elliptical trainer: what is efficiency
  • Bike: what is efficiency

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