Top-50 exercises for the muscles of the abdomen: lose weight and tighten press

Dream to lose weight in the stomach to get rid of the sides and reduce the waist? Start to do exercises for a flat stomach at home today! Abdominal you need minimal equipment and little space in the room.

We offer you a selection of quality exercises for the abdominal muscles, which will definitely help you tighten abs and lose fat the waist area.

Exercises for stomach: what you need to know

Before proceeding to the selection of exercises for belly at home, it is worth mentioning that the weight loss occurs only when you consume food lessthan the body is able to spend on the energy (i.e., eat within the caloric deficit). If you do not observe dietary restrictions, then body fat will not decrease even with daily exercises for abdominal muscles.

Therefore for effective weight loss in the abdominal area are important three factors:

  • The lack of calories and proper nutrition
  • Workout to tone stomach muscles
  • Cardio workout to burn fat

ALL ABOUT NUTRITION: where to start

Rules of exercise for belly at home:

  1. If you want to get a flat stomach in a short time, your exercise should include cardio exercise to burn fat and exercises to tone the abdominal muscles. Therefore, workout plan for flat stomach can be divided into two parts: cardio workout (15-20 minutes) and the exercises for the entire muscular corset (15-20 minutes). The second part includes exercises for belly on her back, standing in the bar – at your discretion. Preferably, the exercise program was the most diverse.
  2. The total time of such a complex of exercises for the abdomen is 30-40 minutes, you need to deal with 2-3 times a week. Of course, you can train more or less often depending on your goals and problem areas.
  3. Before exercise the abdomen it is advisable to do workout, after a workout is to perform stretching.
  4. If you want to lose weight in the stomach faster, it is always better to focus on cardio workouts. It is always more effective for burning fat than just the abdominals. Be sure to view our ready cardio workout for weight loss.
  5. For a more effective burning of belly fat, it is also desirable to increase daily activity: walk more, take regular walks, less use transport choose active leisure activities during the weekend. Popular modern gadgets that track activity during the day can become your good helper in this case. For example, a fitness bracelet.
  6. For some of the exercises on the abdominal muscles you may need a dumbbell. When you replace plastic bottles with water or sand. Among the useful fitness equipment for weight loss in stomach also note on the fitball and a weight.
  7. Contrary to popular belief, training in food films will not help you to lose weight faster in the abdominal area. This practice also gives the load on the heart, thus reducing the fat layer film is not affected at all.


If you want to work on more than the abdominal muscles, but also over the entire body as a whole, then please see our other collection of effective exercises:

  • Top 50 most effective exercises for legs at home
  • Top 50 most effective exercises for buttocks at home
  • Top 20 exercises at home for women

Plan exercise for a flat stomach

Exercises are a selection of presents below. Can alternate exercises, rearrange them or add new ones.

  • Cardio exercises (15-20 minutes): 5 exercises in the circuit 30 seconds work – 30 seconds rest or 45 seconds work – 15 seconds rest, repeat the exercise in 3 rounds, between rounds 1-2 minutes of rest.
  • Standing exercises + exercises on back (10-12 minutes): 8-10 exercises according to the scheme 40 seconds work – 20 seconds rest or 50 seconds work – 10 seconds rest. After every fourth or fifth exercise, you can take a short break.
  • Strap + exercises lying on the stomach (10-12 minutes): 8-10 exercises according to the scheme 40 seconds work – 20 seconds rest or 50 seconds work – 10 seconds rest. After every fourth or fifth exercise, you can take a short break.

Cardio exercises for belly

Cardio exercises for stomach will help you burn more calories, speed up metabolism and start the fat loss process and strengthen the abdominal muscles. Cardio exercises are the best to run in interval mode, for example, 30 seconds of intense work + 30 seconds rest (or TABATA), it will help to train much more efficiently.

If you have contraindications for health, just do the exercises without jumping and running, while trying to maintain a high speed. For example, instead of exercises “Horizontal running” just pull your knees to your chest in plank position. The most important thing in cardio workouts is to maintain a pulse in gyrosigma zone, not to carry out impact exercises.

1. Running with high knee lift

2. Boxing

3. Jumps breeding arms and legs

4. Walking in the bar

5. Horizontal Jogging

6. Crab

7. Lift knees to chest

8. Burpee (can be done without push-UPS)

9. Jumping in the strap by raising the legs

10. Jump in the bar

Exercises for abdominal muscles on the back

The most common exercises for a flat stomach are the exercises lying on your back – the options are sit-UPS, leg lifts, pulling his knees to his chest etc. the Advantage of these exercises is that they help to pump the target muscle of the abdomen (straight and slant), which means to make your stomach flat and fit. During the exercise on the back, your belly should be tucked up and back pressed to the floor. You can’t arch your back, tear your lower back off the floor and do the jerk motion, otherwise there is a risk of injury. Try to pull the navel to the spine and to perform the exercises gently and thoughtfully.

Also note that in such exercises for a flat stomach should be treated with extreme caution if you have back problems. Different variants of twists give stress to your back and waist, so these exercises for the stomach can cause pain or discomfort in this area of the body. If you have pain during exercise for stomach back, then it is better to temporarily not to practice. Replace them with exercises for the abdomen in standing position and the bars (of which will be discussed below). After strengthening the corset muscles to these exercises, you can return.


1. Twisting

2. Twisting with the foot touch the floor

3. The knees up to the chest

4. Touch the ankles

5. Oblique twists to the foot

6. Double twisting

7. Scissors

8. Bike

9. The bike with the legs extended

10. Leg lifts

11. Circular rotation of the feet

12. Boat

13. Russian twist

Exercises for the abdominal muscles in the bar

Plank is one of the most effective exercises for a flat stomach. It helps not only to pump direct and oblique abdominal muscles and strengthen the entire muscular system as a whole. Read more about all the benefits of a plank and its variations, see the article: Plank: how do the benefits and harms of + 45 variants of the straps.

1. Strap


2. Plank on elbows

3. Walking in the bar

4. – Touch shoulder strap

5. Twists in the strap

6. The rotation of the hand in the strap

7. The rise of hands in the strap

8. The splaying of the legs in the strap

9. Spider

10. Side plank

11. Twist to side plank

12. The splaying of the legs in the opposite bracket

Exercises for the abdominal muscles while standing

A great alternative to more traditional exercises for the stomach on the floor are exercises that are performed in a standing position. During the execution of such exercise less the probability of the incorrect position of the back and therefore less risk of injuries and exacerbations. For a start do not need to perform exercise with dumbbells, you can start training and without additional equipment.


1. Touch the knee elbow

2. Leg lifts

3. Turns the body with dumbbells

4. Side curl with a dumbbell

5. Slopes with dumbbells to the floor

6. Tilts in the position of squat

7. Slopes with dumbbells in the direction of

8. Turn with a lunge

9. The knees up to the chest

10. Mill

Exercises for abdominal muscles, back and lumbar

This is another very effective exercise for the abdominal muscles. During their performance you’ll also strengthen the muscles of back and waist, which is a good prevention of pain in the spine and help improve posture.

All about exercise, SUPERMAN

1. Superman

2. Superman simplified

3. Superman with divorced hands

4. Swimmer

5. Hunting dog

For gifs to article a big thank you to the youtube channels: Live Fit Girl, FitnessType, mfit.

Videos with exercises for the abdominal muscles in Russian

If you prefer to train on the finished video of exercises for the abdominal muscles, we offer you 5 very effective video for a flat belly in the Russian language from the most popular trainers on youtube.

1. Ekaterina Kononova: How to install the lower abdomen

Как быстро убрать низ живота II Я худею с Екатериной Кононовой

2. Elena silk: abdominal Exercises for girls

Как Убрать Живот? Упражнения на Пресс для Девушек. Елена Силка

3. Olga Saga: Remove the stomach and sides

Убираем живот и бока / Занятие ИНТЕНСИВ / Упражнения для похудения

4. KatyaEnergy: Flat stomach – exercise for 10 min.

Плоский живот ! Тренировка на 10 мин (KatyaEnergy)

5. Anna Tsukur: Download press, briefly and effectively

Анна Цукур - качаем пресс, коротко и эффективно.

Be sure to view our other effective video selections:

  • Top 12 cardio workouts from FitnessBlender, with emphasis on the belly for burning calories
  • Top 13 short effective workouts for the abs from Blogilates
  • Top 20 short workouts for belly from HASfit + calendar for 30 days

For weight loss, Belly

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