To each future mother, her acupuncture session!

Acupuncture is a comprehensive approach that does not treat a symptom, but the mechanism of the onset of that symptom. Don’t be surprised if your first session lasts between an hour and an hour and a half. The acupuncturist needs to know you well in order to better understand, through his questions, the origin of your disorders and thus better treat them. This will also allow you to know a little more about yourself …

The acupuncturist changes his approach depending on each future mother. It all depends on his background and his “personal background”.

Needle placement at the level of acupuncture points (365 in total, not counting the points outside the meridians) enables energy to be activated in very specific areas of the body, to trigger a whole dynamic that will help it heal ailments by question. Generally, very few needles are sufficient, for an exposure time of about half an hour.

Sensitive points!

There are about ten acupuncture points that are contraindicated during pregnancy, under penalty of triggering childbirth.

Who are behind acupuncturists?

The only professionals authorized to practice acupuncture in France are doctors, midwives and dentists, in their specialty of course! So you have no worries, they have all received specific and recognized training.

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