Tip of the day: accept yourself as you are

According to Western psychologists, 30% of women and 15% of men suffer from beauty addiction.

Beauty addiction includes a lot of various addictions: from the standard of thinness (), from tanning (which has arisen due to the spread of tanning salons), from cosmetics (the very case when a woman cannot even go without makeup for bread), from plastic surgery …

Beauty addiction manifests itself in the same way as any other fanatical obsession: if the object of mania is not available for any reason, the addicted person’s mood deteriorates. He is able to throw tantrums from scratch, becomes irritable and nervous, ceases to receive joy from everything else.

The reason for dependence on appearance (as well as on other addictions) is self-doubt, low self-esteem. Learning to love and accept yourself is not easy, you need the help of relatives and friends, and sometimes a qualified specialist.


Sports, dancing, fitness – any physical activity are also deservedly recognized as an effective way to increase self-esteem with benefits for health, beauty and self-confidence.

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