Tick ​​nymphs – they resemble moles. Few people know how dangerous tick nymphs are
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Sunny weather encourages walks, and in the meadows and bushes nymphs of ticks lurk on us, spreading a lot of microorganisms. They are the size of a poppy seed, they look like dots made with a black pen. They are difficult to notice and easy to confuse with dirt or moles. They are just as dangerous as adults. When they appear on the body, this must not be underestimated.

  1. A nymph, a transitional form of a tick, can transmit pathogens that are harmful to health
  2. When it gets under the skin, it looks like a dot made with a pen
  3. When going out to a meadow or a forest, we should take basic precautions so that a tick does not attack us. After returning from a walk, let’s have a close look at the whole body
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

In spring it is becoming more and more difficult to detect ticks, as some of them are no longer larvae but not yet adults. They are in the form of a nymph and are difficult to see.

How do tick nymphs attack?

The tick nymph is larger than the larva. It is one and a half millimeters long and has a brownish-black color. To become an adult, it must be saturated with blood. It takes about a week for this. Although it can travel several dozen meters thanks to its eight legs, it does not always find a host. Most often it hunts like an adult, waiting for the victim on the blades of grass. If she fails to do so until winter comes, she may hibernate and begin the hunt again on the warmer days. When it hits a human, it grabs a fold of skin and cuts it open with its two front legs, and then digs its snout into our body.

Due to the small size of the tick nymphs, they pose a significant threat to humans. This is because they are hard to spot. Usually, a person bitten by a nymph notices it only when the parasite begins to feed and local inflammation develops on the skin. A well-fed nymph increases its size from about one and a half millimeters to even three millimeters. When attached to the body, it looks like a small, dark, “tear-shaped” scab.

Tick ​​nymphs cause disease

Unfortunately, tick nymphs are the size of a poppy seed, they transmit all diseases that adult individuals infect us with. In the blood that they can infect us, there may be an especially large number of dangerous microorganisms that cause Lyme disease, meningitis and, less frequently, other diseases.

To get rid of toxins from the body as soon as possible and strengthen your immunity, reach for Ticks and Insects – a herbal set available at a promotional price on Medonet Market.

After being bitten by a tick or its nymph, the risk of contracting pathogens increases with time. The adult individual can pass the tick-borne encephalitis virus to the host two hours after the injection. When it comes to bacterium Borrelia causing Lyme disease, they must first pass from the arachnid intestine to its salivary glands. In the case of a tick nymph, it takes an average of 36 hours from the injection into the human skin. The sooner we remove the uninvited guest, the more we minimize the risk of tick-borne disease infection.

Not all tick nymphs cause Lyme disease

In Poland, about 3 percent. The tick nymph carries Lyme disease spirochetes. As for adult ticks, it is approx. 20 percent. It should be noted, however, that in the case of ticks removed from humans, the detection of windings is as high as 80%. This may mean that in ticks collected from the environment, the number of spirochetes is so low that they are often not detected in tests. However, these bacteria quickly multiply in the tick’s body after attacking a human or other host.

Protection against tick nymphs

We must watch out for tick nymphs everywhere, even when we go to the park. We can protect ourselves from them by wearing appropriate clothing, using anti-tick repellants and, above all, observing our body after returning from a walk. Check for a tick or tick nymph in the bends of the elbows, in the groin, behind the knees. If the parasite appears, it must be removed. The tick nymph is removed in a manner similar to that of an adultusing tweezers.

Among the tick remedies, we can find those based on natural essential oils and therefore safe for our skin. These include Tick and mosquito spray Tick Stop Sanity. See the offer of other tick remedies available on Medonet Market.

It may happen that, despite taking various precautions, you find a tick on your body. In such a situation, take steps to remove it as soon as possible. Medonet Market offers a preparation for removing ticks – KLESZCZ EXPERT, which freezes the arachnid. Then you can safely remove it with the tweezers that come with the product. You can also use the Tick Remover – TICK OUT. It works on the principle of a pump, thanks to which you can easily pull the tick from the skin. You can also buy a Tick Removal Kit placed in a special case.

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