Tick ​​bite, burns and other dangers that await us in the summer

Tick ​​bite, burns and other dangers that await us in the summer

The traditional vacation season can bring unpleasant surprises, sometimes bordering on disaster. And the main reason for such situations is our carelessness, frivolity, ignorance of elementary safety rules. We have collected the most popular summer injuries and troubles from which we are not immune.

Summer vacation, tempting with its charms, sometimes plays a cruel joke with us. We often forget about the most basic rules of personal hygiene. We are talking about the problem of dirty hands, which becomes the source of many poisoning. Unwashed fruits and vegetables, in addition containing nitrates, are, first of all, a formidable danger to your children. And let the parents not be moved by the fact that, for example, a child has discovered a strawberry meadow in the forest and is eating one berry after another. The consequences of such an attitude to his “meal” can be completely unpredictable.

It is better to make trips to nature light and take food with you that does not spoil in the heat. And you need to exclude all salads so beloved at home. And try to leave mayonnaise at home in the refrigerator, because in the heat, after fermenting, it becomes extremely dangerous for your health and can cause acute poisoning. If you or your children feel sick in nature (stomach aches, stomach aches, vomiting has begun), do not waste time, but urgently consult a doctor. And there should always be at hand a first-aid kit taken from home, in which there would be medicines in case of any poisoning.

This small and insidious enemy lies in wait for vacationers usually in the forest, in the country, in parks and even in the roadside grass. From year to year, especially in the hot summer period, people suffer from tick bites. And although special processing is constantly carried out in the city limits, you still need to be vigilant and careful. This tiny insect is considered a carrier of tick-borne encephalitis and other infectious diseases that can cause serious health problems, and in some cases even lead to death. If you are back from a nature walk, take the time to carefully examine your clothes and shoes. It also happens that dangerous, uninvited guests can be brought into the house by your dog. But you, returning from the forest with a bouquet of flowers, do not rush to please the children with this beauty. The tick is able to hide in the petals of the buds!

If you find a gripped bloodsucker on the body, do not try to remove it yourself. Only a doctor can provide qualified assistance. The removed tick must be examined in the laboratory. You can foresee everything in advance and get an insurance policy, suggesting medical attention in the event of a tick bite. Then you do not have to look for a hospital or clinic and a doctor in a panic – the company’s consultant will help you decide on a medical institution. You can also provide protection for your pet too… If your pet gets sick as a result of a tick bite, veterinary care will be arranged and paid for by the insurance company. You can learn more about tick bite insurance at Ingosstrakh website.

Bruises, fractures and sprains

Summertime is a headache for parents who need to be on guard at all times. Restless children are often injured literally out of the blue. Okay, if the child, jumping over the rope, fell and got off with an ordinary injury, the consequences of which can be easily eliminated by applying ice to the sore spot. It’s quite another matter when you suspect something serious. In this case, it is better to see a doctor, take an X-ray or an ultrasound scan. This will help, for example, detect hidden fractures, cracks. And for adult cyclists, lovers of riding a moped, we advise you to moderate the excitement of reckless riders, which in many cases leads to a hospital bed.

It would also not hurt them to remember that according to the existing rules, drivers of light vehicles are strictly prohibited from occupying footpaths, so as not to create a dangerous situation for walking. pay attention to new product of voluntary health insurance “Travmopolis”… Only 1500 rubles a year! Thanks to him, if necessary, you can undergo all the necessary examinations – from ultrasound and X-rays to CT and MRI in difficult cases, as well as get expert advice: a traumatologist, a surgeon and, if necessary, an ophthalmologist.

Sadly enough, the summer holiday season is home to a lot of burn injuries. Family picnics in nature are primarily dangerous for children. Bottles for lighting a grill or barbecue have, as usual, bright and attractive labels that no child will pass by. Through an oversight of a neglected parent, he can throw a poisonous chemical mixture into the fire – and get a serious burn.

If this happens, first of all, you need to hold the burnt place under cold water. Of course, there should be no talk of any self-medication: an urgent need to seek qualified medical help. And one more thing: when getting out on a picnic, always stock up on foam containing panthenol, which relieves pain from burns and activates the healing process. But some burns can be so serious and deep that independent first aid can only harm, and then it is better to go to the hospital.

The summer sun, violently catching up with heat and heat, not only covers our bodies with a bronze tan. Sometimes you can get severe skin burns, fraught with serious consequences. Let us add that it is in the summer that heatstrokes occur more often. And the risk group includes people who are overweight, heart disease and vascular system. Therefore, they need to be very careful, after consulting a doctor, take the so-called sunbathing.

By the way, if you have a trouble and you feel unwell, you can undergo all the necessary and prescribed examinations by the attending physician if you have previously insured yourself under the VHI within the framework of one of the boxed products of Ingosstrakh… Choosing an insurance product, you can yourself determine the blocks of services you need, as well as choose the medical institutions that are most convenient for you. The boxed VHI products include several options with different coverage volumes – your choice depends on how responsibly you decide to approach the possible examination and treatment.

It is worth paying special attention to the problem that arises before parents when children are drawn to swim in lakes and rivers in hot weather. Unfortunately, environmental disturbances have led to the fact that some reservoirs are simply teeming with dangerous bacteria. Having sipped water, a child can pick up any infectious disease. And one of them is meningitis. In addition, children are often injured by cutting themselves on sharp shells, which are found in considerable quantities at the bottom of any lake.

They are also susceptible to colds if they “sat” in the water without knowing the measure. However, both an adult and a child can get sick from an air conditioner working in an apartment or office, if safety measures are not taken in time.

All these troubles, of course, are difficult to predict, and no one is safe from them from birth. Timely registration of an insurance policy will not let you panic – you will know in advance that medical care will be organized promptly, as well as what examinations, receptions and procedures you can count on. You can find out full information about medical services, bonuses, insurance packages and the procedure for obtaining services on the Ingosstrakh website.

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