The world’s first vodka with jackfruit has appeared

Jackfruit, or Indian breadfruit, is a relative of figs and has become incredibly popular in recent years due to the possibility of its use as an alternative to meat in vegetarian and vegan cooking. We have already talked about this somewhat new and already so popular product for us.

In addition to its taste, the fruit is widely valued for its large number of vitamins, antioxidants and nutrients. And because of this, it not only becomes an ingredient in many dishes, but even an ingredient in alcoholic drinks! According to the website, the American company MBF Brands recently released the world’s first vodka from Jackfruit called Slapjack.

This vodka is distilled from corn, distilled 6 times, filtered 3 times, after which natural jackfruit juice is added to it. The taste of Slapjack vodka is described as juicy and tropical, with notes of mango, banana, pineapple, orange and peach. Manufacturers advise to serve the drink as a stand-alone or added to a cocktail. 



We will remind, earlier we told about vodka from milk which was let out in Canada, and also about how Americans invented a way to make vodka from waste.

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