TOP 10 fruits and berries, which have useful seeds

It would seem that when you eat fruit or berries, seeds you need to spit – it is an axiom. But recent studies of scientists have proven the opposite inviolable rule. Too many of the Goodies they found in the bones. Maybe you need to reconsider habits and start eating sweet fruits in new ways, along with the seeds?

  • Pomegranate

As a rule, the presence of small bones is decisive in the question, buy pomegranates or not. So now your “rather not” turn into “probably Yes!”: scientists have shown that in the seeds there are many polyphenols and tannins. These substances are important for heart health and cancer treatment. And included antioxidants increase the survival of healthy cells and cause death of cancer.

  • Olives

Olive stones are good sorbents that purify the body of toxins. Experts recommend that for the month we need to eat about 15 olives with pits, and it will be an excellent prevention of the formation of stones in kidneys and gall bladder.

  • Melon

Of course, to cut the melon as watermelon in order to eat it with useful seed – very uncomfortable. However, it is necessary, after the seeds are removed from the melon to save them and use as food. The seeds have protein, potassium, vitamin A and phosphorus.

By the way, if you eat it without chewing, they will have only a laxative effect, and if they were to cracked, then the body will get the valuable food enzymes, useful for stomach.

  • Citrus

Turns out that seeds of the lemon or lime can replace aspirin to help with headaches. This is due to the presence in their structure of salicylic acid, so if a headache, chew a few seeds and the problem will go away. As for the seeds of orange there is vitamin B17, which is important for cancer and fungal diseases.

  • Grapes

The pulp of grapes has a large number of resveratrol, a substance that helps in the fight against cancer, strengthens the cardiovascular system and reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. And grape seed has much more of this substance, according to recent studies.

TOP 10 fruits and berries, which have useful seeds

  • Viburnum

If possible, always eat a few berries of viburnum, not spitting out bones as they are considered an excellent natural cleaner of the body. Viburnum seeds are saturated with nutrients, and normalize intestinal flora and give a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. In addition, they reduce the swelling, hold a cleanse and clear the kidney and bladder of stones and sand. It is recommended each day to eat 10 pieces.

  • Apples

The seeds of the ripe fruit contains large amounts of vitamin E and iodine, enough to eat 6-7 grains to provide a daily rate. Besides, Apple seeds have a positive effect on brain activity and improve body tone. However, with Apple seeds you should be careful, in large numbers they can lead to poisoning.

  • Kiwi

“What’s the problem, someone will come to mind to clean out the tiny black seeds of a kiwi.” – tell me you’re right. The fruit we eat with seeds. And what do you get? In the composition of kiwifruit there is a lot of vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids. It is proved that with regular consumption of kiwi with seeds you can forget about the problem, like swelling of the eyes.

  • Dates

Studies have shown that the seeds of dates contain even more protein and fats than the pulp. Besides, they contain large amounts of minerals such as selenium, copper, potassium and magnesium. No wonder that in folk medicine, the powder of date seeds is used to treat gastrointestinal disorder and various inflammations.

  • Watermelon

It is difficult to find someone who eats watermelon with seeds, and this is a big mistake. Scientists have shown that they contain a lot of iron and zinc, and in a bioavailable form, that is absorbed 85-90%. And even in the seeds there is fiber and protein. Bones are useful for the regulation of blood sugar levels and improve skin condition.

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