The sweetest tangerine variety in the world was bred

“Spring sun” – this is the name of a new variety of tangerines, which today claims to be the sweetest variety in the world. Breeders from Israel were engaged in the development of a new variety.

Its fruits are very juicy (more than 50% juice), have a bright rich color and a very sweet taste. The sweetness of fruit on a Brix scale ranges from 15 to 17 units. 


This new variety was recently introduced in Valencia (Spain). It is interesting that the guests gathered at the presentation showed such great interest in the new fruits that only the crusts remained from 100 kg of tangerines, which were intended for tasting.


The first shipments of sweet tangerines have already gone to Australia, the United States and South America. It is noteworthy that producers wishing to grow Spring Sun tangerines must obtain an official license for this, otherwise they will be fined from next year.

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