
The first of September is coming — the time to send the child to school. My child, whom I nurtured and took care of from the very birth and even before. I tried to give him the best, I protected him from bad impressions, I showed him the world and people, and animals, and the sea, and big trees.

I tried to instill good taste in him: not cola and fanta, but natural juices, not cartoons with screams and fights, but beautiful good books. I ordered educational games for him, we drew together, listened to music, walked along the streets and parks. But I can no longer keep him near me, he needs to get acquainted with people, with children and adults, it is time for him to become independent, learn to live in a big world.

And so I am looking for a school for him, but not one from which he will come out stuffed with a lot of knowledge. I can teach him the exact sciences, humanitarian and social subjects in the scope of the school curriculum myself. Where I can not cope, I will invite a tutor.

I am looking for a school that will teach my child the right attitude towards life. He is not an angel, and I do not want him to grow up promiscuous. A person needs discipline — a framework in which he will keep himself. An inner core that will help him not to spread under the influence of laziness and craving for pleasure and not to lose himself in the gusts of passion that wakes up in youth.

Unfortunately, discipline is often understood as simple obedience to teachers and the rules of the charter, which is necessary only for the teachers themselves for the sake of their personal convenience. Against such discipline, the free spirit of the child naturally rebels, and then he is either suppressed or declared a «naughty bully», thereby pushing him to anti-social behavior.

I am looking for a school that would teach my child the right relationship with people, because this is the most important skill that determines a person’s life. Let him see in people not a threat and competition, but understanding and support, and he himself can understand and support another. I do not want the school to kill in him a sincere childish faith that the world is beautiful and kind, and full of opportunities to rejoice and bring joy to others.

I’m not talking about «rose-colored glasses», and not about perception, divorced from reality. A person must know that both in him and in others there is both good and evil, and be able to accept the world as it is. But the belief that he and the world around him can be better must be preserved in the child and become an incentive to action.

You can learn this only among people, because it is in relation to others that a person’s personality with all its positive and negative qualities is manifested. This requires a school. A children’s team is needed, organized by teachers in such a way as to unite the unique individualities of each into a single community.

It is known that children quickly adopt the manners of behavior of their peers and their values ​​and react much worse to direct instructions from adults. Therefore, it is the atmosphere in the children’s team that should be the main concern of teachers. And if a school educates children through a positive example set by high school students and teachers, then such a school can be trusted.

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