The right foods to get pregnant

Fertility: the diet to adopt

We know how much food affects our health. Recent studies have shown that it also influences fertility. When you want a baby, the choice of carbohydrates, dairy products or vitamins is not random! Certain foods have the ability to improve the quality of ovulation in women or sperm in men. But then, what should we put on our plate to increase your chances of getting pregnant?

Which foods to favor to get pregnant?

Do you dream of getting pregnant? From now on, better avoiding foods with a high glycemic index (GI), that is to say those which rapidly increase your blood sugar level (refined sugar, white flour, potatoes, sodas…).

Their consumption will result in a heavy secretion of insulin through the pancreas. However, it has been shown that repeated hyperinsulinemia could interfere with ovulation.

Promote low GI foods, like the whole grains and flour, dried vegetables, fruits, vegetables, agave syrup, etc.

The good habits you start today will be beneficial when you are expecting Baby. Indeed, consuming the right carbohydrates before and during pregnancy helps prevent the risk of gestational diabetes.

Fiber helps slow the assimilation of sugars or carbohydrates by the body, thus regulating insulin secretion. Also think of flax or squash seeds, blond psyllium, agar-agar or oat bran, which you can add to your raw vegetables or yogurts.

Boost your fertility: choose the right fats

No question of banishing fat from your diet when trying to conceive a baby! You just have to make the right choice …

Un good omega-3 intake participates in the proper functioning of our body, and therefore that of our reproductive system. Whether or not you are “on trial baby”, it is essential to integrate these fatty acids in your daily diet. Prefer olive, rapeseed, walnut or linseed oil and margarines rich in omega-3 to other fats. Regularly consume fatty fish (such as mackerel, anchovies, sardines, salmon, cod liver, etc.), seafood and eggs from hens raised in the open air or from organic farming.

To know : omega-3s that you will continue to absorb during your pregnancy participate your baby’s neurological development.

Trans fatty acids, in addition to promoting obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer, impair fertility. They hide mainly in ready meals and other industrial products, under the term “hydrogenated vegetable oils“. Read the labels carefully!

Baby plan and diet: choose the right dairy products

If you want a baby at all costs, drop the 0% yogurts and skimmed milk ! According to Harvard researchers, these dairy products, low in fat, affect the balance of our sex hormones. Result: the silhouette may be thinner, but the ovaries take a hell of a blow.

Conversely, the whole dairy products would improve our fertility, provided they are of good quality.

Consuming one to two whole milk products per day may help restore ovulation. Promote semi-skimmed milk (if you really want to), whole milk, fromage blanc, Swiss cheese and non-low-fat yogurts. Ice cream and cheese are also preferred, but in reasonable quantities.

Vitamin B9: the essential food supplement

Folic acid, or vitamin B9, is essential for women of childbearing age. This precious vitamin participates in the good progress of the menstrual cycle, consequently, also in that of ovulation and conception … The only problem: women of childbearing age do not consume enough. This is why it is not uncommon to be prescribed folic acid by your doctor when trying to get pregnant. Good news, you can also put it on your plate! Examples of foods rich in folate: spinach, lamb’s lettuce, watercress, lentils, melon, chestnut, oats, buckwheat, quinoa, mussels, clams, brewer’s yeast, walnuts, chickpeas …

Folic acid also has many benefits once your baby is started. Administered a few months before conception and during the first trimester of pregnancy, it reduces the risk ofmiscarriage, protects the child from certain malformations (From tube neural especially called spina bifida) and prevents prematurity.

Foods to Avoid to Increase Your Chances of Getting Pregnant

If there is a diet to favor to get pregnant, there are also foods that it is better to avoid, or at least of which it is necessary to limit the consumption. This is the case of prepared and industrial products, which are often too fatty, too salty or too sweet and which contain many additives. This is also the case for fried foods, pastries, red meat and cold meats, alcohol and coffee.

Watchword : a varied and balanced diet that gives pride of place to seasonal fruits and vegetables, preferably organic to avoid pesticides as much as possible.

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