The main mistakes when giving up meat

Vegetarianism has long ceased to be just a popular trend. Everyone finds their benefits in avoiding meat, noting changes in health. Giving up meat is not as easy as it seems at first glance. And often when switching to such a diet, standard mistakes are made that complicate the process.

  • Previous menu

Meat is the main source of protein, and it is fundamentally wrong to exclude only meat from the diet without correcting the lack of this element. With the loss of meat, you also lose some of the vitamins, the supply of which will need to be replenished. When refusing meat, include lentils, avocados, buckwheat, nuts, asparagus, spinach in your diet.

  • Meat substitutes

Most often, meat is replaced with a large amount of soy – vegetarian sausages, dumplings and other semi-finished products. Doctors only recommend these foods occasionally to add variety to the vegetarian diet, but not on a consistent basis.

  • Lots of cheese

Cheese is a source of protein that vegetarians try to replace with the loss of meat products. Cheese, of course, is a healthy product, but at the same time it is very fatty and high-calorie. Cheese is a dairy product, and not every organism responds adequately to milk protein. Therefore, excessive consumption of cheese can provoke disruption of the digestive tract.

  • Vegetarian food

Due to the high demand, an incredible variety of products have appeared on the market that are suitable for a vegetarian menu. In terms of price, such special products are much higher than the cost of conventional products – pasta, cereals, fruits, vegetables, eggs and milk – the basis of a vegetarian’s diet.

  • Lack of vegetables

When switching to a vegetarian menu, you need to take into account that there should be 2 times more vegetables in the diet. Often, even with the same diet, few of us eat vegetables in sufficient quantities, and if we refuse meat, there is an acute lack of vitamins.

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