The Kremlin diet
The Kremlin diet is different in that it is possible to get different results depending on the goals: both to lose weight and gain it with a lack of

Probably everyone has heard about the Kremlin diet. She is so popular that she has been mentioned more than once even in famous TV shows. For example, Ensign Shmatko in the series “Soldiers” lost weight on this particular diet. She was also chosen by the screenwriters for the mother of the “Beautiful Nanny”. The heroine of Lyudmila Gurchenko in the series “Beware, Zadov” chose the same method to lose weight. And the pioneer of the Kremlin diet was the journalist of Komsomolskaya Pravda Yevgeny Chernykh – it was with his light hand that she went to the people from the pages of the newspaper. It was he who wrote the first book about her.

Subsequently, many publications were published about the Kremlin diet, but, unfortunately, in the pursuit of profit, the authors did not bother to check the information and often there you can find not just useless advice, but even harmful to health. Therefore, if you want to learn more about it, refer to the original source, to the books of Evgeny Chernykh.

So why is the Kremlin diet interesting? According to nutritionists, for many, the system of awarding points depending on the carbohydrate content of different foods is easier than counting calories and balancing fats, proteins and carbohydrates. The menu for the week is designed for weight loss and will help you understand the point system.

The pros of the Kremlin diet

The Kremlin diet is similar to the keto diet in that the amount of carbohydrates in the diet is reduced as much as possible. The exclusion of carbohydrates from the diet does not allow the body to use them as the main energy, so it has to use internal resources and burn fat.

The Kremlin diet is distinguished by a scoring system, not calories, which is easier for many. Depending on the content of carbohydrates in the product, a point is awarded to it. One gram of carbohydrates equals 1 point. A special table of carbohydrate content of products for the Kremlin diet has been created.

Cons of the Kremlin diet

During the keto diet, which is much stricter, carbohydrates are completely eliminated and the process of ketosis starts, when the body learns to live purely on its fats, having lost its usual energy product in the form of carbohydrates. The disadvantage of the Kremlin diet is that the process of ketosis is inhibited and does not start, since carbohydrates are constantly added to the diet. As a result, the body requires carbohydrates, and has not learned to do without them at all. Because of this, disruptions to flour, loss of strength, irritability are possible.

Due to the lack of a ban on fatty, meat, it is easy to exceed the usual calorie intake, and then the weight will still not go away, because the number of “permitted” foods will be prohibitive.

Weekly menu for the Kremlin diet

Sweet, starchy, starchy vegetables, sugar, rice are excluded from the diet. The main focus is on meat, fish, eggs and cheese, as well as low-carb vegetables, and they can be eaten with little or no restriction. During this diet, alcohol is not prohibited, but only strong and unsweetened, as there are a lot of carbohydrates in wines and other things. However, in everything you need to know the measure.

Day 1

Breakfast: boiled fish (0 b), boiled egg (1 b), coffee without sugar (0 b)

Lunch: pepper stuffed with minced meat (10 b), tea

Snack: boiled shrimp (0 b)

Dinner: a glass of kefir (1 b)

Day 2

Breakfast: a glass of milk (4 b), cottage cheese (1 b)

Lunch: broth with chicken and boiled egg (1 b), cucumber and Chinese cabbage salad (4 b)

Afternoon snack: a bowl of raspberries (7 b)

Dinner: a piece of pork in the oven (Z b)

Day 3

Breakfast: omelet from 2 chicken eggs (6 b)

Lunch: open fish (0 b), stewed zucchini (with b)

Snack: apple (10 b)

Dinner: cottage cheese (1 b)

Day 4

Breakfast: cottage cheese, can be seasoned with sour cream (4 b), sausage (0 b), coffee without sugar (0 b)

Lunch: beef liver (1 b), cucumber and Chinese cabbage salad (4 b)

Snack: green apple (5 b)

Dinner: meat baked with bell peppers and tomatoes (9 b)

Day 5

Breakfast: boiled egg, 2 pcs. (2 b), hard cheese, 20 gr. (1 b)

Lunch: mushroom soup (14 b), vegetable salad of cucumbers and tomatoes (4 b)

Afternoon snack: tomato juice, 200 ml. (4 b)

Dinner: extruded pumpkin, 100 gp. (P. 6)

Day 6

Breakfast: two-egg omelette (6 b), tea without sugar (0 b)

Lunch: fried fish (0 b), coleslaw with butter (5 b)

Snack: apple (10 b)

Dinner: beef steak 200 gr (0 b), 1 cherry tomato (2 b), tea

Day 7

Breakfast: boiled egg, 2 pcs. (2 b), hard cheese, 20 gr. (1 b)

Lunch: broth with chicken and boiled egg (1 b), zucchini (4 b), tea (0 b)

Snack: seaweed salad with butter (4 b)

Dinner: pork stewed with tomatoes 200 gr (7 b), tea

If you need to get better, eat up to 60-80 points per day. If the goal is to lose weight, then the daily maximum is 20-30 points, and with further adherence to the diet after a couple of weeks, it rises to 40 points.
Dilara AkhmetovaDietitian consultant, nutrition coach

The results

As with most diets, the greater the initial excess weight of a person, the better the result he will get in the end. It is possible to lose weight up to 8 kg. During the diet, constipation may occur, from which the addition of bran to the diet will help.

Dietitian Reviews

– The main danger of the Kremlin diet is overeating, since the consumption of only carbohydrates is limited, it is easy to exceed the norm of fats and proteins. Therefore, it is also recommended to monitor the total caloric content of the diet, because an excess amount of fat that replaces carbohydrates can slow down the process of losing weight or even go into body fat. After the end of the diet, it is recommended to gradually introduce carbohydrates into the daily diet, and it is better to completely exclude “fast” carbohydrates in the form of sugar and flour, says Dilara Akhmetova, consultant nutritionist, nutrition coach.

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