The energy of indoor plants

If you already have plants at home, do not forget the main rule – you need to take care of the plants: feed, water and replant on time. Your space should be free of dry and dying plants. If you do not have time to mess with plants, but still want to have green pets, choose unpretentious plants that do not require special care. These include: bamboo, spathiphyllum (luxurious female flower), anthurium (exotic male flower), Kalanchoe, fat woman (“money tree”), aloe vera (very useful plant), Japanese Fatsia (moisturizes the air well). All these plants are donor plants, they are very favorable for humans. But with these plants you need to be careful: 1) Monstera. The name of this plant speaks for itself – it actively absorbs energy, therefore it is ideal for rooms with “high traffic” and hospitals, but it does not belong at home. 2) Oleander. Beautiful flower, but poisonous. The aroma of oleander can make you dizzy, the juice causes burns on the skin, and poisoning if it enters the esophagus. 3) Begonia. It is not recommended to keep those who suffer from any chronic diseases, as well as lonely and elderly people. 4) Orchids. An exquisite flower, but too in love with itself. In terms of energy – a powerful vacuum cleaner. Therefore, before purchasing, think – you are for him, or he is for you. 5) Chlorophytum. The leader among indoor plants in terms of their ability to purify the air and improve the microclimate of the premises. But it should not be placed next to the workplace. 6) Geranium. Known as an excellent antiseptic, however, it is contraindicated in asthmatics, diabetics and pregnant women. 7) Asparagus. Quite a beautiful plant, but causes causeless concern. The relationship of each person with a particular plant is individual, and you can only check which plants are suitable for you by experience. Place a pot of your chosen plant in the room and observe how you feel. If you feel energized, then this is your plant. Source: Translation: Lakshmi

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