The cat burps: is it dangerous

The cat burps: is it dangerous

A caring owner is alarmed by any strange behavior of his pet. For example, if an animal begins to constantly regurgitate food, an attentive owner will certainly pay attention to this. Why does a cat burp and is it worth worrying about it?

Cat burps: when there is no cause for concern

The body of a cat is very different from that of a human, so in many cases it is normal for a cat to burp.

  • Burping is a natural way for a cat to clear the stomach, such as hairballs.
  • Nausea and vomiting occurs in cats during the onset of pregnancy. This symptom is especially intensified on the third day after fertilization.
  • Cats vomit while traveling by any transport (car, plane, train). To avoid this, you must not feed the animal several hours before the trip.

If this vomiting is not repeated too often, you have no cause for concern.

If the cat is very nauseous, most likely the cause lies in the poisoning. In this case, you should contact your veterinarian. At the same time, it is advisable to take with you a product with which the animal is allegedly poisoned. Sometimes poisoning is so serious that you cannot do without gastric lavage.

If the poisoning is not too bad, give the cat milk and let it empty the stomach on its own. Do not forget to immediately remove vomit, as it contains poisons harmful to the pet.

Chronic vomiting in a cat is a symptom of many diseases, even those that are completely unrelated to the digestive system.

Regular vomiting can indicate pancreatitis, encephalitis, tumors and other diseases. They can be established by a veterinarian after a series of tests.

Sometimes it happens that the cat belches air and suffocates. This can be caused by many things, such as a bone stuck deep in the throat. In any case, if you see that this is happening to your pet, you need to go to the veterinary clinic without delay.

The most serious situation is that the cat regurgitates blood. In this case, take all the food from her and immediately take the pet to the clinic. Blood in the vomit usually indicates internal bleeding.

Always carefully monitor the condition of your cat, because she herself will not be able to tell about her ailments. Do not neglect the help of specialists, and then your four-legged friend will live a long and happy life.

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