Testimonials: they like to be pregnant

“I love being pregnant! I feel good in my head, in good shape (it must be said that it’s purgation: no raw meat, no alcohol, no cigarettes, nine healthy months ! We can only be good in my case). I always smile, want to laugh, it makes me euphoric in fact to carry life and above all, I feel beautiful! I fully assume my body, I dare to enhance myself more easily. It is pregnant that I feel at the top of my femininity, I take care of myself (even more than usual). I love this belly, I don’t hide it (even if the weight gain sometimes scares me), I am very proud of it. I also like the look of people who land on my “bidou” in the street and their smile that follows, I appreciate all the compliments that one can do to me without embarrassment when in normal times I am uncomfortable. I feel fulfilled and confident. Since the birth of my baby I keep a part of this state in my everyday life. After my first pregnancy, for example, I gained a lot of confidence. For the second, I hope to keep something more, the feminine side totally assumed. ”


“With each pregnancy, I feel good, beautiful and fulfilled. Carrying life and feeling baby move, what happiness. I take care of myself a little more, my entourage is very caring! I feel “existing” in the eyes of others too. It’s such a magical adventure, I believe that in fact, it cannot be explained, it can be lived! ”


“Having a hard time keeping the babies hanging on, I was still lucky to have three children (two boys, 8 years and 6 months, and a 4-year-old girl). Every pregnancy has been unique, but beautiful, happiness! No nausea, that feeling of feeling baby and communicating, even if he’s inside. Involve the dad as the baby progresses with each ultrasound, talk to him, stroke him and share it with the older ones. For me, the bond with my children started long before they were in my arms. ”


” Pregnant, I was in a bubble, in total fullness. The exchange with my baby, to have it only for me, it was wonderful. Since he was born, we have been very close, which is also why the aftermath was so hard: the separation at birth and the feeling of being empty. Being pregnant is the best experience I have had.


“I love every moment of my pregnancy since the appearance of the little pink bar on the test: my belly growing, my daughter moving inside and this feeling of immense love that knocks me down.


“Honestly my first trimester was tough. The most complicated thing for me was to accept that my body no longer obeyed me, but that I was at the service of this body and of this little piece of human that was growing quietly. And then, when I finally let go, that I agreed to trust him, it’s a new relationship with my body that has started. In a way, I “reconciled” with him, I learned to love him more. Being pregnant also means feeling connected to something big, beautiful, organic. To feel the baby move, to have the hiccups, to feel him grow slowly, it is the most beautiful experience of my life. ”


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