Tansy is an antiparasitic plant

Native to Europe, the flowers and dry leaves of tansy are predominantly used for medicinal purposes. Old herbalists recommend using tansy as an anthelmintic. Migraines, neuralgia, rheumatism and gout, flatulence, lack of appetite – an incomplete list of conditions in which tansy is effective.

  • Traditional medicine practitioners use tansy to treat intestinal worms in both adults and children. The effectiveness of tansy in relation to parasites is explained by the presence of thujone in it. The same substance makes the plant toxic in large doses, which is why it is important to consult a doctor regarding the recommended dose. It is usually taken as a tea.
  • Tansy is also a valuable remedy in the treatment of weakness and kidney stones. To dissolve stones, experts recommend taking an infusion of tansy and nettle every four hours. The diuretic properties of tansy help dissolve and remove kidney stones.
  • Tansy has a powerful menstrual stimulating effect. Thanks to thujone, the plant promotes menstrual bleeding and is therefore especially valuable for women suffering from amenorrhea and other menstrual disorders. Tansy is also effective for other vaginal problems.
  • Due to its carminative properties, tansy improves digestion. It is a good natural remedy for gastrointestinal problems, stomach ulcers, gas formation, abdominal pain, spasms and disorders of the gallbladder. Tansy stimulates the appetite.
  • The anti-inflammatory properties of tansy are effective in relieving pain associated with rheumatism, arthritis, migraines, and sciatica.
  • Being a good source of vitamin C, tansy is used in the treatment of colds, coughs and viral fevers. Its antiviral and antibacterial properties act as a prevention of the above conditions.
  • And finally, tansy finds its application in the fight against dandruff, stimulation of hair growth, treatment of lice. It can be used both internally and as an application for bruises, itching, irritation and sunburn.

– Bleeding from the uterus with no apparent cause – Acute inflammation of the stomach – Cramps causing uncontrolled muscle movements – Unusually fast, weak pulse

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