Tanning beds can be dangerous to your eyesight

People who do not use protective glasses in the solarium risk their eyesight – warns the website ‘BBC News / Health.

Some people avoid protective goggles due to the panda effect – unburned white rims around the eyes. However, as the representatives of the College of Optometrists point out, just closing your eyes is not enough.

The skin of the eyelids is very sensitive and delicate. The ultraviolet lamps emitted by tanning can cause damage or even skin cancer. There is, among others, pterygium – a bothersome, triangular thickening of the conjunctiva. Therefore, in the solarium, close fitting protective glasses are necessary, and when sunbathing outside – sunglasses.

According to Kathy Banks of the Sunbed Association, tanning salons should refuse to serve customers who do not want to wear goggles. Next year, the UK will ban the use of tanning beds by people under 18 (such a ban is already in force, for example, in Germany and California). (PAP)

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