Tackle for catching bream

There are a lot of tackles for catching bream. They are used both when fishing from the shore, and when fishing from a boat. This fish is the most anticipated and desired trophy in most rivers and lakes and is caught all year round.

Bream is a typical inhabitant of rivers and lakes. It is found in large numbers and in many reservoirs forms the basis of the aquatic fauna. For the angler, this is always a welcome prey. Although it does not offer much resistance, the fish is a flock, and usually, if one is caught, there is a chance to catch both the second and the third. The main thing is to be careful and play the fish quickly so that the flock is not too scared and returns to the baited point. By the way, about bait: it is often more important for catching bream than gear.

Tackle for catching bream

Fishing from the shore is carried out in two ways: bottom and float fishing rods. Float fishing for bream is a classic and considered by many to be the pinnacle of float fishing. Choosing the right place, being able to lure the fish to feed, choosing the right wiring technique, and all this in complete silence so as not to frighten away the cautious fish – such fishing brings good results and a lot of fun, but it is quite difficult for beginners. Often they get bream only in the form of a random trophy when catching roach or other fish.

Bottom fishing for bream is easier, but still full of nuances. The most modern and sporty type of bottom fishing is the feeder. It’s like it was designed specifically for him. The feeder trough is located near the fish hooks. A flock of broad beauties, eating food, will surely grab one of them with a nozzle, and the angler will feel the elastic flutter of resisting prey on the rod. With the help of a feeder, it is not at all necessary to pull them closer to the shore, using special flavors. It is quite long-range, and is able to deliver the nozzle exactly to the place of feeding. And with the help of a marker weight, you can easily find places that, from the point of view of the angler, will be attractive.

The classic donka also brings success. Many bottom fishermen do not refuse old gear, preferring it even to a feeder. Bream are caught on spinning donkeys, on hooks that are thrown into the water with their hands, on hooks with an elastic band. Sometimes feeders are used. The most effective for bream are large-volume feeders for donkeys. They allow you to deliver food to the fishing point at a time, unlike the feeder, where, thanks to accurate casts, it is delivered in several steps. The main advantage of such gear is their simplicity and low cost. You can make several snacks and catch more hooks. Of course, such fishing cannot be called sport fishing, and in terms of catchability for bream, feeder equipment overtakes these types of gear. But to each his own, some like bottom fishing in this form.

Bait for bream – the basis of success

The modern angler uses commercially available baits to attract fish. Many dry feed formulations are produced, which are quickly prepared right on the shore. Unfortunately, their consumption for bream fishing is usually high. Yes, and such food disperses instantly. If there is an abundance of small fish in the place of fishing, it simply will not allow the bream to approach the bait, destroying it before the arrival of the bream flock. Therefore, it is necessary to add a large component to the bait, as well as soil for starting feeding. Pellets, cereals that are added to feed, compound feeds, which in their essence differ little from pellets and successfully replace them, can act as this.

Tackle for catching bream

The soil for catching bream is added in a dark color, as it prefers to stay on those parts of the bottom that are darker in color. Excellent garden peat. It is quite light and loose, and even after moistening it is easy to find bait particles in it. Another important quality of it is that it is quite porous and, when immersed in water, begins to release oxygen. This attracts fish as the bubbles make certain sounds underwater. For the same purpose, the bait is usually sifted through a sieve – air particles get stuck between the bait particles, and at the bottom it releases bubbles.

For bream, the animal component is also important. It is added to bait in the form of bloodworms, maggots or worms. When fishing on a feeder, the use of a large feeder allows you to deliver live feed to the bream. It is important that the bloodworm moves at the bottom, the maggot digs in the bait, and the worms crawl along the bottom. All this gives a sound accompaniment, which the bream perceives as a signal to eat. He will willingly eat both worms from bait and a hook with a nozzle, becoming a fishing trophy.

When fishing with a float rod, it is very important to be quiet. But what if the bait at the bottom is destroyed by fish in half an hour of fishing? The fish will leave and not return, or will you have to feed the point again, scaring away the one that remains? Not at all. Groundbait balls should be prepared in different consistencies. At the same time, some should disintegrate at the bottom immediately and be more loose. Others – to keep their shape for a long time, and only after a while fall apart. The soil significantly extends the life of the bait. It not only creates a nutrient spot on the bottom for the fish, but also makes it difficult to eat food, forcing it to rummage in the bottom. The latter sometimes helps to get rid of roach bites. She does not like to dig too much in the mud, but the bream, on the contrary, prefers what lies below.

Fishing place

The bream is a bottom fish. These are also called “benthophages”, as they eat what lies directly at the bottom of the reservoir – benthos. Its food usually consists of small larvae, worms, bloodworms, polyps, crustaceans. Sometimes he eats plants, but only for one reason – on their surface there is a large amount of animal food in the form of zooplankton. Usually this is mud, which can be found in any body of water.

Also, the bream loves to stay among the grass. Not very thick, which will create inconvenience for him when moving. But to hide it from prying eyes. The bream is a shy fish, and you need to catch it near natural shelters. From spring, it approaches thickets of aquatic vegetation, which begin to break through even under the ice. There it spawns at a depth of about a meter. Fishing for it is forbidden at this time, but in the old days it was the most successful. The bream came close to the shore and was easy to catch.

Tackle for catching bream

After, when the spawning is over, the most favorite time for the bream fisher comes. You can catch bream. For the first time, he does not leave the places where he spawned. He has a lot of caviar, and he is not particularly concerned about raising offspring – most likely, the fish are stressed after they have spawned, and they need to accumulate strength. Bream at this time can be caught on a float, feeder or donk. Fishing takes place in places with a depth of one to two meters, in large pits it is possible to look for it at this time, but not so effectively. Later, when the water level begins to fall, the bream goes further into the depths.

Over time, it begins to get colder, daylight hours are reduced, and aquatic plants die off. The bream completely leaves the coastal zone, trying to get closer to the winter camps. He is caught in the pits, where he is no longer as willing as in summer, eats food, but is very crowded. On rivers, such places are usually located near the channel itself. Often they cannot be reached from the shore, but they are accessible from a boat.

Where to look for bream on the river? Absolutely definitely worth getting around the fast rolls. This fish does not like to stand in a strong current. Usually in these places all silt, food is washed out from the bottom, the bottom is sandy or rocky. Yes, and this fish is not adapted to keeping on the rapids and wasting strength. On the contrary, near a wide stretch, where there is no fast current, where the current forms a vortex, where there is a transition from shallow water to a pit and food rolls down the slope down the river – it is worth looking for bream there.

Flocks of bream constantly travel along the stream. They look for food on the so-called edges – these are areas with a flat bottom that immediately follow the coastal slope. He is attracted here by the abundance of food, which rolls down the slope and lingers there, and also by the fact that it is convenient to pick it up from the bottom here. In addition, there is often a predator on the dumps, which, by its presence, can scare away the bream, even if it does not plan to attack. It is worth finding such areas of the bottom and catching them first. The bream goes to the channel only after the water has subsided at the end of summer. During this period, on many rivers, only there he can find a suitable depth.


The bream is a fish quite large in size, although it is far from a record holder in terms of weight. The largest fish reach a weight of six kilograms. Most often, individuals from half a kilo to a kilogram peck on the hook, this fish is commonly called a scavenger. A bream of three kilograms is in most cases a trophy catch.

The body shape of the bream is laterally flattened and elongated in length. This helps him avoid the teeth of a pike, which simply cannot open its mouth enough to grab a wide fish. It grows very quickly, and as a result, having reached a large size, it has practically no natural enemies in the reservoir.

Tackle for catching bream

The peculiarity of his nutrition is connected with his body shape. When looking for food, the bream is guided by the organs of vision, hearing, lateral line, and especially the sense of smell. This fish is very sensitive to smells, which should be used by adding aromatics to the bait. But you should not overdo it, because a good sense of smell of a bream will immediately distinguish a catch and an unusual smell, and you will lose all bites in general. After the bream finds food at the bottom, it takes a vertical position in the water and draws it into itself with its mouth, working with gills. After that, the bream straightens up and steps aside.

A bite on a float rod allows you to see this feature. When biting a bream, the float never dives sharply down. Even if he pecks at half water when catching roach, he always lifts the float and drags it to the side. A large bream, capable of completely tearing off the sinkers from the bottom, can generally lay the float on its side. Many other fish with a wide body shape behave in the same way – carp, crucian carp, silver carp.

This nature of fishing completely eliminates the bite of large bream in shallow water. He simply will not be able to take the right position for eating, as he will not have enough depth, and therefore in such places you can only find a small scavenger. In addition, long leashes should be used when fishing. The bream, when he picks up the bait and feels the weight of the sinker, will simply spit it out, and you will lose your catch. The leash should correspond to the size of the fish being caught and the hook should be at a great distance from the sinker – both in bottom fishing and in float fishing. However, you should not make it too long, as this will lose the sensitivity of the gear, and in feeder fishing, the leash will lie too far from the feeder.

Wintering of bream usually takes place in very deep places, from five meters or more. In such a depth, eternal twilight reigns, odors in cold water do not spread well. The metabolism of fish is slowed down due to the low temperature of the water. However, sometimes the bream comes out to feed. It can be caught on winter fishing rods, jigs. At very deep depths, from 15 meters or more, in winter, bream can be caught at half water. Actively pecking mostly small bream. Bites of a serious bream at this time are cautious or absent altogether. Sometimes getting warm water under the ice helps to correct the situation. Then the bream becomes active and begins to feed a little more actively.

Equipment for catching bream on the feeder and bottom

These two methods are most suitable for catching this fish and are the most popular among bream reptiles. For fishing, as already mentioned, it is necessary to use long leashes. In this case, the size of the hook must correspond to both the nozzle and the size of the intended prey. It makes no sense to put a hook that is too large, since even a large bream can be well caught on a small hook due to the average thickness of the lip, which easily breaks through.

It is very important to use bait or a feeder when catching bream. Even if it is not possible to cast in the same place, the bait from the feeder leaves an abundant trace of smells in the water, which will attract the fish much faster and, perhaps, they will covet the hook. The nozzle itself will not be able to attract so much bream. Moreover, this is a schooling fish, for which the more food, the more sense to go there. When fishing with a feeder, a high-quality starting feed helps, which puts the whole bream flock on the point, and when fishing on the bottom, I recommend using feeder feeders and casting as accurately as possible.

Often a good place can be found near an artificial embankment, under a steep ravine, which is washed away by water. There are more promising points for fishing with a float on the river than on the lake, since the bottom topography is more gentle there, and there is a large shallow near the shore. However, there are many good places on the reservoirs due to the artificial nature of the banks. The floater should pay more attention to small rivers, canals and channels than trying to catch bream on a lake or a vast river.

The feeder for fishing on the course is equipped in the usual way. They use a rod from 3 to 4 meters, medium action, high enough test so that they can easily throw large, heavy, filled feeders. The reel must also meet the conditions of fishing. It is necessary to use two feeders – one feeding, the second working of a smaller size and weight, since the fall of a heavy feeder can scare away a flock of bream. Usually, both in the current and in still water, a braided cord is used. It gives good sensitivity and allows you to minimize the influence of jets of water and wind, as well as the use of lighter feeders.

Donka is often equipped with two hooks. But when catching bream, long leashes are used, and if you put two of them, they will get confused with each other. Therefore, a snap-type “rocker” is used. Two-hook rigging can be easily done with your own hands. It allows you to put two long leashes on the donk, and they will not interfere with each other. The rocker must be placed on a swivel so that it does not twist the line when pulled out. A good yoke for two hooks is light in weight and has almost no effect on registration of bites. You can understand how the rocker behaves only in the process of fishing. It happens that it is easier to use one leash and a hook.

Fishing for bream from a boat: bank tackle

Fishing from a boat is usually more convenient than from the shore. You can use shorter rods, and you don’t have to spend a lot of time looking for a place – all the places in the reservoir where there can be bream are in good access right under the keel.

A can is a tackle for catching bream from a boat, for which a small short rod with a reel is used. Usually this is an inertial reel or multiplier that allows you to pull heavy fish and cast a heavy feeder. The bank itself is a feeder, which is attached to a fishing line like a sliding sinker. Initially, it was made from a tin can and stuffed with porridge, now other methods are used for manufacturing, you can even buy it in a store. Following the feeder is a section of fishing line with leashes and hooks, usually no more than three. The fishing line is set thick enough, since the weight of the feeder-can itself is quite large, plus the weight of the fish and the weight of the grass adhering to the tackle.

Fishing on a jar is carried out from a boat in those places where bream is supposed to be found. An echo sounder will help with their search, it will also find places where the bottom is not so overgrown and you don’t have to worry that the nozzle will not be visible in the grass or it will constantly cling to it. On the current, the tackle can simply be lowered down from the boat. In still water, only one leash with a hook is used, and the tackle is thrown a little further from the boat with a rod or hand. When the bank is lowered, it goes under the boat, and the leash with the hook follows at a distance. As a result, it will not get tangled, and you can fish comfortably.

A bite signaling device when fishing on a jar is usually a bell or a side nod. The fisherman fills the feeder with porridge, usually millet, barley or rice, and then baits the hooks and casts the tackle. The signaling device is installed, and they are waiting for a bite. The bream usually makes itself felt by pulling the rod, which is well felt by the hand. Fish are biting and fighting.

Nozzles and bait

When catching bream, plant baits and baits in the form of a worm, maggot or bloodworm are used. Quite often, a sandwich is used from animal and vegetable nozzles, or from two different animal origins. This is done for the reasons that the bait is easily pulled off the hook by a trifle, or sits on the hook before the bream. A sandwich helps to avoid this, when a worm is first put on the hook, and then – corn, a bunch of hercules grains, barley, pasta or other food that small fish cannot swallow. Even if she pats the worm, she will not be able to drag it away, since it is securely blocked by a vegetable nozzle.

Tackle for catching bream

The main vegetable attachments for fishing are those that are prepared on the basis of various cereals. First of all, it is semolina porridge, which is used together with peas, preparing the so-called mastyrka, or on its own. Then it is worth mentioning hercules and pearl barley. Both of these cereals hold well on the hook, and it is almost impossible to pull off the little things from it, unless swallowed whole. This makes them good baits for bottom bream fishing. It is worth mentioning nozzles such as potatoes, corn, pasta. They are prepared in various ways.

It is best to use corn that is sold in jars. This is actually a finished nozzle, which you can immediately catch. Sometimes corn flour is used, from which a good nozzle is made using semolina, it is also used to prepare a dessert for bream based on mashed potatoes. Pasta itself is made from the same raw materials as semolina, and the bream perceives them as something nutritious.

Bait for bream is a worm, maggot and bloodworm. It is possible to use some others, but it is inexpedient. Available to the angler, these are caddis larvae, dragonfly larvae, as well as some other aquatic insect larvae that can be collected on the shore. However, for some reason their attractiveness for bream is lower than for the same earthworm, and they require special care, they must be planted in the right way to look natural.

A worm is a nozzle that will fit in most cases. The bream loves him, he often gets into the water after rains and is a familiar food. He also likes the bloodworm, but he is very fond of ruff, roach, perch and other fish, which can be in the same place as the bream and will not let him eat the hook with the bloodworm. Maggot shows worse results for the same reason. It looks like aquatic insect larvae and has a strong odor that the bream finds attractive. However, when catching bream, a trifle sits on it more often than on a worm.

A special type of worms that help cut off small things are shuras. Shuras live deep underground, and it is often difficult to get them in summer. They come to the surface only when dew falls, and then at night. These worms have a diameter of up to one centimeter and a length of up to forty. Shurov is put on tackle from two hooks. Only a good bream can swallow them, and they are tasty food for him.

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