
In today’s urban world, many of us do not have access to naturally grown foods. As a result, each of us may not receive the necessary nutrients for him.

Biologically active additives (dietary supplements), which are added to food, making it more useful and nutritious, will help to compensate for such a lack of nutrients. Thus, some health problems are eliminated, the body is cleansed, energy increases, and the appearance improves.

Products with the maximum content of biologically active substances:

General characteristics of dietary supplements

Dietary supplements are biologically active components that are not drugs. They are added to the main diet to avoid a deficiency of a particular element.


The history of dietary supplements is not so long – these substances have been actively used since the early eighties of the last century. Since then, experts have been keeping a detailed record of them, gradually improving their composition, studying the properties of new healing substances. Supplements are more than 150 compounds, each of which has its own unique characteristics!

Daily requirement for dietary supplements

The consumption rates of a particular supplement can only be calculated by a specialist. This takes into account not only the disease to which there is a tendency, but also height, weight, gender.

If, for some reason, you cannot use this or that composition (individual intolerance), the doctor will select a complete replacement for you. The specialist will also tell you the time during which this supplement should be consumed.

The need for dietary supplements is increasing:

In life, there are situations when a person simply needs increased dosages of one or another element. In addition, there is an increased need for vitamins, macro- and microelements, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Based on this, the need for the use of dietary supplements increases:

  • for pregnant women;
  • children whose rapid growth and need for nutrients does not always correspond to the nutritional value of the daily diet;
  • people with health problems (this can include problems with the musculoskeletal system, as well as diseases of internal organs and systems);
  • elderly people who have a slowdown in regeneration processes, a decrease in vitality, problems with the musculoskeletal system;
  • in stressful situations, when the body produces worse nutrients it needs.

The need for dietary supplements is decreasing:

Adequate nutrition, fresh air, the absence of stress in life or the ability to cope with them, absolute or relative health can make taking dietary supplements unnecessary.

Assimilation of dietary supplements

Since dietary supplements are famous for their high efficiency, they are absorbed quickly and are characterized by a high degree of activity.

Useful properties of dietary supplements and their effect on the body:

  • regulation of fat, carbohydrate, protein and mineral metabolism;
  • optimization of the activity of enzyme systems;
  • structuring the components of cell membranes;
  • antioxidant protection;
  • ensuring the processes of cellular respiration;
  • maintaining electrolyte balance;
  • formation of acid-base balance;
  • hormone-like action;
  • regulation of reproductive function;
  • activation of the immune system;
  • participation in the processes of hematopoiesis;
  • regulation of blood coagulation processes;
  • normalization of myocardial excitability and vascular component;
  • regulation of nervous activity;
  • synthesis of connective tissue;
  • normalization of detoxification processes;
  • support of natural intestinal microflora.

Interaction of dietary supplements with other elements:

Each supplement has a personal “relationship” with one or another element of the periodic table. For example, alkaline additives do not like the presence of acid, and protein compounds react negatively to iron salts. In addition, the vitamins contained in dietary supplements can be degraded upon contact with metals.

Signs of a lack of biologically active substances in the body

  • dizziness;
  • muscle weakness;
  • drowsiness;
  • low labor productivity;
  • symptoms identical to the state of vitamin deficiency.

In addition to the symptoms listed above, which are the most common, each supplement has its own deficiency symptoms. For example, with a lack of selenium, flies appear before the eyes, with a lack of vitamin A, dry skin and brittle nails are observed, etc.

Signs of an excess of biologically active substances in the body

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • hallucinations;
  • dizziness;
  • elevated temperature;
  • weakness;
  • symptoms of an excess of vitamins, trace elements and other components that make up the dietary supplement.

Factors affecting the content of biologically active substances in the body

The main factor in the presence of biologically active substances in our body is good nutrition. The word “complete” should mean a balanced intake of vitamins, proteins, fats, hydrocarbons, as well as micro and macro elements that make up food. Only in this case can you expect good health and excellent mood.

Supplements for beauty and health

Some dietary supplements help the body well in the process of self-cleaning. This means that as a result of taking some dietary supplements inside, the skin color improves, the skin is cleared of acne.

As for the external use of dietary supplements, this is done by cosmetology. Thanks to modern technology, supplements are used for body care. There are also products for washing, anti-wrinkle creams, lotions for various parts of the body, sprays, etc.

It should be noted that, unlike conventional cosmetics, products with dietary supplements have a more pronounced effect and effectiveness.

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