Strong man with muscle wasting. Let’s help Miłosz

Miłosz’s whole life is a fight. For every breath, for the slightest movement, for every next day. Death has been staring him in the eye for nearly thirty years. Now he has a chance to win, but he won’t win by himself. I need us.

Disrupted childhood

He was a joyful and open child. He had dreams and plans that were taken away from him by brutal reality. “At the age of 6, I was noticed with a shorter leg, which worried my parents. Visits to specialists began, looking for a cause and help. In the end, I ended up in a clinic in Bytom. After much research, a diagnosis was made that sounded like a sentence: MUSCLE LOSS. ” – says Miłosz Klimczak, a 35-year-old struggling with Duchenne’s DMD, which is the most common and severe of progressive muscular dystrophies. 

The disease affects one in three thousand boys! Its cause is a genetic defect, namely various mutations in the DMD gene, responsible for coding a protein (dystrophin) that helps maintain the normal structure of muscle cells. As a result of a genetic abnormality, the muscles are deprived of dystrophin, which results in their atrophy and paresis, which gradually causes more and more difficulties in moving. The first symptom is a delay in starting learning to walk around 18 months of age, followed by weakness in the muscles of the trunk, legs and arms.

“My future did not look rosy, and in the worst case scenario it was not at all – the average age of children affected by DMD Duchenne is under 18 years of age.” Explains Miłosz. His parents never allowed themselves to think that they might lose their beloved child and tried everything from conventional medicine to natural medicine to visits to bioenergy therapists. Despite all efforts, at the age of 11 the boy had to sit in a wheelchair, on which he still sits. 

150 thousand dollars

Hope for treatment appeared in 1997. It was then that Miłosz and his family first heard about the experimental method of transplanting muscle cells (myoblasts). Almost immediately, they contacted a clinic in the USA, and after undergoing a lung and muscular fitness test, Miłosz was qualified for a transplant. His life was valued at $ 150!

“The will to live turned out to be stronger once again. My parents moved heaven and earth to raise the necessary amount. We knocked on every door, sent thousands of letters pleading for help, articles appeared in newspapers, and reports on television. Concerts, matches and festivities were organized – all of them were nationwide. Thanks to people of good will, the necessary amount was collected within a year and a half. ” – says the resident of Kędzierzyn-Koźle.

The day he left for a transplant was one of the happiest days of his life. Getting on the plane, he knew one thing: I WANT TO LIVE! After returning to Poland, a long-term rehabilitation began, and Miłosz’s condition improved day by day. “Everyday activities such as drinking a glass of water or peeling an apple have become possible for me again. Thanks to the standing frame, I was able to stand on my own feet, which so far seemed impossible. In order to strengthen and prolong the effects of the first transplant, the doctors advised me to do another one in four years. However, its cost turned out to be an insurmountable barrier … ”- he reports.

Hope for Life

For the next eight years, Miłosz’s health remained stable. He even managed to finish high school and pass his high school diploma. Unfortunately, DMD Duchenne did not give up. As time passed, Miłosz’s muscles began to weaken again. At the moment, he is dependent on his family and loved ones, and sleeps under a respirator at night. “Nevertheless, I have never stopped believing that someone will someday find a cure for my disease. New hope was given to me by the program of Mrs. Elżbieta Jaworowicz “A case for a reporter”, in which the topic of cord blood stem cell transplantation was discussed. Without hesitating for a moment, I contacted Dr. Dariusz Boruczkowski. ” – he says.

In June 2016, Miłosz received approval from the Bioethics Committee for experimental treatment, which unfortunately involves huge costs. So far, thanks to his persistence and great will to live, as well as the support of many wonderful people, we managed to collect 90 zlotys. Ultimately, you need twice as much. A lot of good things have happened to Miłosz from the moment of receiving consent for treatment. The vocalists Jaromir Zajfert and Adam Wolski realized a project – a charity record entitled “It will be fine”, auctions with signed gadgets by Marcin Gortat, Kamil Stoch, Andrzej Wajda and many other people have started, a canoeing trip took place, the guest of which was the Olympic champion from Rio in parakayaking, Kuba Tokarz, and the Patriotic Association Kędzierzyn-Koźle organized a family festival. 

At the moment, Miłosz is after his sixth stem cell transplant, he does not feel any side effects, but only a big improvement. The next move is ours – LET’S HELP THE STRIKE !! “Cell transplantation is another chance for me to live, which has taken on a new meaning for me since a person especially close to my heart appeared in it. I would like to make a request and appeal to all people of good will. Thank you very much for your help and the chance for a better life. I want to live and infect others with positive energy, I can give so much from myself. ” – he adds.

Information on how to help Miłosz – FIND HERE >>> and on Facebook

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