B vitamins – their role in the human body

All important vitamins and minerals should be present in the diet of every person every day. This is a guarantee of excellent mood and well-being. If a nutrient is lacking, malfunctions of internal organs begin, health worsens and fatigue attacks. What happens to the body when there is not enough vitamin B? And what is there to make up for this deficiency?

Vitamins of group B – a whole complex of different vitamins, which contain nitrogen. There are 20 such substances in total. Vitamins of group B belong to the category of water-soluble vitamins. 

The most famous B vitamins may be familiar to you by other names. Vitamin B2 is also called riboflavin, B3 is niacin, B5 is pantothenic acid, B7 is biotin, B9 is folic acid, and so on.

All B vitamins play an important role in human health. They take part in cellular metabolism, strengthen the body. B vitamins help to properly distribute energy in the body. Lack of B vitamins results in chronic fatigue, apathy and depression.


With a sufficient amount of B-vitamins, the work of the nervous system also noticeably improves, stress, constant feelings of anxiety go away, the mood rises, sleep becomes stronger and deeper. B vitamins improve the functioning of the digestive system and improve metabolic processes in the body.

There may be a situation in which there are too many B vitamins in the body. There is a strong intoxication of the body: allergic reactions, dizziness and headaches.

What foods contain vitamin B

Whole grains are high in fiber and B vitamins. These foods help improve the functioning of the digestive system and normalize metabolic processes in the body. Add whole grains such as bread, durum wheat pasta, or whole grain flour to your diet.

Cereals not only perfectly saturate the body and provide energy, they are also an important source of B vitamins, especially oatmeal and buckwheat.

B vitamins are especially abundant in milk, cheese and cottage cheese, but other milk products also contain enough of this nutrient.

Eggs are a source of not only animal protein, but also vitamin B. This product is also rich in amino acids that strengthen the immune system. In addition, many healthy and varied dishes can be prepared from eggs.

An important and accessible source of B-group vitamins is liver, especially beef and chicken.

B vitamins are also found in green leafy vegetables. These are all types of cabbage, spinach, lettuce, apples, kiwi, avocado and other green fruits.

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